Apprentice Ambassador Program FAQs

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  1. Can I submit multiple Apprentices for my company?

    Only one apprentice application per employer will be accepted. Please choose one candidate to sponsor for application to this program. Be sure to identify the sponsored candidate on the Employer Application form.​​
  2. What is required from the employer for the Apprentice Ambassador program?

    • The IWIB Apprenticeship Illinois Committee asks employers to allow for time off for mandatory Ambassador events, listed on the application documents.
    • We ask that there is a designated point of contact at the company, who can respond to requests from the program or facilitate reaching out to the Ambassador if needed.
    • We encourage employers to sponsor ambassador activities and travel as work-related costs, to make the experience for the Ambassador more seamless.
    • We invite you to participate in events along with the Ambassador, if your schedule permits.
  3. Why should my business participate in the Apprentice Ambassador Program?

    • Employers who sponsor an Apprentice Ambassador are featured on the Apprenticeship Illinois website (​), the Apprenticeship Bulletin, and other events.
    • Ambassadors are often showcased in interviews, public speaking events, and other promotional opportunities, and have multiple opportunities to highlight how their company has supported their apprenticeship journey.
    • Participation is a tangible sign to the community that your company takes employee growth seriously and provides leadership development and personal growth opportunities.
    • Provides employees with valuable leadership training and practical experiences to apply this training.


  1. What will the Ambassador get out of this program?

    • All ambassadors will receive professional development on skills such as: public speaking, social media footprint, professional networking, media interviews, the Illinois workforce development system, and the Apprenticeship Illinois Committee of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board.
    • Ambassadors will have multiple opportunities to speak at public events on apprenticeship, engage with business leaders, and continue to refine their soft skills.
    • Ambassadors will also be assigned a mentor, who will meet with them regularly to provide support and connect them to relevant opportunities.
  2. When is the deadline to apply?

    The deadline for the Apprentice Ambassador and Apprentice Employer applications is September 27, 2024.
  3. Who can I contact for questions about the Apprenticeship Ambassador program?

    Please reach out to Jordan Johnson​ with questions or concerns.