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  1. Are community colleges considered a not-for-profit organization under this NOFO?

    ​The following definition of not-for-profit is used for this grant:
    "Not-for-Profit Organization / Non-Profit Organization": An organization that meets the requirements outlined in the General Not for Profit Corporation Act of 1986 (805 ILCS 105/) and is registered as a not-for-profit corporation and is in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State. Therefore, it would depend on the individual community college and how they are registered.
  2. What is the age range for youth?

    ​Individuals ages 16 – 24 are considered youth for this NOFO.

  3. Will the cities designated as locations for Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program Hub Sites be the only sites in consideration, or just those that receive priority?

    ​Any site that meets the requirements of Category C and Category E of the NOFO will be considered.  Applicants from the designated locations for the Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program Hub Sites will be prioritized for funding as long as they meet all other eligibility and scoring criteria. 

  4. Will there be a coming NOFO for the Chicagoland area or has it already been funded?

    ​No additional NOFO is planned for the Chicagoland area, but any organization that meets the requirements of Category C or Category E of this NOFO is welcome and encouraged to apply.  

Funding/Award Period

  1. Are there opportunities to renew the grant?

    ​One 12-month grant renewal is possible.

  2. If an agency does not apply this year, will there be an opportunity to apply next year?

    ​No future funding has been announced for the Multi-Cultural Jobs Program.

  3. What is the performance period for this grant (single year, multi, etc.)?

    12 months.​

  4. What is the total amount of funding to be granted across all awards? How many awards are you expecting to give, altogether?

    ​$1 million will be awarded through this NOFO.  Two awards (Category C and Category E) will be granted in the amount of $500,000 each.

  5. When is the award date for this grant?

    ​July 1, 2023 is the anticipated start date of the grant award. 


  1. Can you explain how this program fits in with the Clean Jobs Workforce Network Hub (future NoFo)?

    ​While the FEJA Multi-Cultural Jobs Program and the Clean Jobs Workforce Network Hub Program are standalone programs, they are complimentary in a larger strategy to move to Clean Energy by 2050.  The program delivery hub sites leverage community-based organizations to ensure members of equity-focused populations have dedicated and sustained support to enter and complete the career pathway for clean energy related sector jobs which is one of the same goals of the Multi-Cultural Jobs Program.

  2. Do all students/trainees need to be registered into Illinois workNet?

    ​No.  Participants do not need to be registered in Illinois workNet. 

  3. The Program Service section says we must include strategies to address equity marketing. Should this be included in the narrative section of the project or will you ask for this once the grantee receives the grant and commences with the program?

    Specific equity-focused strategies, either already in place or that will be developed, that ensure more inclusion of diverse and targeted populations should be addressed in the Project Narrative under Documentation of Need and Opportunity.  (NOFO – pg. 14)fe

  4. Will a case management system be provided?

    ​A case management system is not currently available for the Multi-Cultural Jobs Program.  Until a system is available, grantees will be required to report program outcomes via an Excel spreadsheet prescribed by the Department.

Partnership Agreements/MOUs

  1. Are MOUs the only acceptable document as partnership agreements?

    No.  Partnership agreements will be accepted if they are written, including entity information and contact information, and clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of each partner and lists their funding contribution towards the program, if any.