WIOA Implementation During COVID-19

​The resources on this page help address questions and concerns of Workforce Professionals to assist businesses and individuals and adapt daily operations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This page will be updated as information is made available.

American Job Centers Reopening
​WIOA Notice 20-NOT-09 General Reopening Guidance for American Job Centers, the Required Form for Documenting an AJC Reopening Plan (Attachment A), and the accompanying Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Attachment B) can be found under Chapter 1.12 One-Stop Delivery System of WIOA ePolicy here: IllinoisworkNet.com/ePolicy.

  • WIOA Reopening Checklist
    • without Tracked Changes (PDF)
    • ​with Tracked Changes (PDF)
  • Security (Illinois State Police Training Video):
    • ​Learn the critical steps to take in an active threat situation.
  • Clarification About Security in AJCs for PY2021 (Word)

WIOA Title 1B Funding and Outreach Resources
  • Funding and Outreach Webinar Recording (Link)
  • Funding and Outreach Presentation (PDF)
  • ​WIOA Barriers and Potential Solutions Chart (PDF)
  • Outreach Strategies Table (PDF)
  • PY 21 Rapid Response (1E) Grant Funds Application with Attachments 21-NOT-02 (PDF)
  • Formula Annual Allocation and Modification Requirements 20-NOT-07 (Link) (Access document in the Notices section.)
  • IE GATA Application Template (PDF)
  • IE GATA Uniform Budget Template (Excel)
  • Advancing a One Workforce Vision and Strategy (TEN 13-20)