The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 requires the Governor of each State to outline a four-year strategy for the State’s workforce development system by preparing either a Unified State Plan encompassing the following core federal programs: WIOA Title IB, Title II-Adult Education, Title III-Wagner-Peyser, and Title IV-Vocational Rehabilitation Services; or a Combined State Plan that includes the six core programs from a unified plan, plus one or more eligible partner programs identified under WIOA (Perkins Act career and technical education programs, TANF, SNAP, E&T programs, TAA, etc.). Illinois follows the Unified State Plan approach.
The WIOA Unified State Plan is designed to provide a vision of the Governor’s integration of workforce, education and economic development policy while also serving as a federal compliance document for the United States Departments of Labor and Education under WIOA. The Unified State Plan outlines the vision, principles and goals for the integration of workforce, education and economic development programs for the State of Illinois.
A final version of the Unified State Plan for Illinois was submitted to and approved by the United States Departments of Labor and Education in 2016. The Act also required a modification in 2018 (see below).