Workforce Innovation Notice of Funding Opportunity

​This funding opportunity is closed. Visit the Funding Opportunities page for information on current opportunities, Bidder's List subscription, and grant resources.​



The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit proposals from eligible organizations capable of planning and implementing innovative projects that support the vision, principles, goals and strategies articulated within the WIOA Unified State Plan.  Applicants should document how the project will impact the competitive position of Illinois businesses and workers through workforce development, education, and economic development projects that can be replicated throughout the State (as applicable).  Applications must address one or more of the WIOA Statewide Workforce Activities listed below to be considered for funding.

  • Sector Partnership Projects
  • Innovative Workforce Pilot and Research Projects
  • Priority Population Projects
  • Statewide Technical Assistance

Submission Dates and Times: The deadline to submit proposals was 5:00 PM, May 1, 2019. The Department will not accept applications submitted by mail, overnight mail, diskette, or by fax machine. Applicants must be registered and pre-qualified in GATA prior to submitting their applications. Submit the proposal via e‐mail to When submitting the proposal list in the Subject Line the NOFO # and name of the applying organization. Please submit the application as one PDF file and one Excel file for the budget. Applications will be considered based on quality and feasibility and contingent on the availability of funds.

Program Design
​Commerce will accept proposals that support the priorities outlined in the regional workforce development plans. This may include projects that serve youth, adults, dislocated workers, and/or incumbent workers that are eligible under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.  Additional consideration will be provided to projects that serve the targeted populations included in the Illinois’ WIOA Unified State Plan. Specific project outcomes, goals, and deliverables must be included in the proposal.

Funding Information

Funding for this program will utilize federal funds from the U.S. Department of Labor under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.  It is expected that 3-5 pilot projects of $100,000 to $350,000 will be funded through this NOFO. The funding amounts for proposals will correspond with the project’s anticipated outcomes and deliverables.  Grant awards will generally not exceed $500,000.  However, the Department of Commerce may elect to award amounts over this amount based on strength of application or strength of performance during the grant period.

Eligible Applicants
​This funding opportunity is limited to public and private organizations that are in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State.  Additional consideration will be given to organizations that demonstrate the administrative capacity and a history of successfully implementing innovative pilot projects.  Additional consideration will also be given to organizations and projects in local workforce areas and regions throughout the State that document how the project will impact workforce, education, and economic development, and that can be replicated throughout the State (if applicable).

Informational Sessions
  • July 24, 2018 - Grantee Webinar Training for NOFO Quarterly Reports
    • Webinar
    • Call In Number: 866-803-3878
      • OET Standardized Grantee Reporting Presentation (PDF)
      • Periodic Financial Report (PDF)
      • Periodic Performance Report (PDF)
      • PFR Trial Balance Cover (DOC)
      • PPR Supportive Cover (DOC)
  • January 25, 2018 - Illinois Workforce Grants Webinar (PDF
  • February 28 & March 7, 2018 -Workforce Grants 101 and Overview of Grant Opportunities -Springfield & Naperville
    • Grants 101 - Application and Preaward Requirements (PDF)
  • April 3 & 4 2018 - DCEO WORKFORCE GRANT WORKSHOPS - Chicago & Rockford
    • Grants 101 Presentation (PDF)
    • Youth Pathways NOFO (PDF)
    • Budget Handouts (PDF)
    • Combined NOFO Presentation (PDF)
    • Employer Fact Sheet (PDF)
    • Apprenticeship Tool Kit (PDF)
    • Apprenticeship Partnership Model (PDF)
    • Partner Roles Infographic (PDF)
  • March 27 & 28 2018 - DCEO WORKFORCE GRANT WORKSHOPS - Bellville & Effingham
    • Grants 101 Presentation (PDF)
    • Youth Pathways NOFO (PDF)
    • Budget Handouts (PDF)
    • Combined NOFO Presentation (PDF)
    • Employer Fact Sheet (PDF)
    • Apprenticeship Tool Kit (PDF)
    • Apprenticeship Partnership Model (PDF)
    • Partner Roles Infographic (PDF)

NOFO Materials
  • 2018 WIOA Budget Template for the Workforce Innovation Program (Excel)
  • ​2018 Workforce Innovation Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) (PDF)
  • 2018 Workforce Innovation Application (PDF)
