Career Pathway Program Notice of Funding Opportunity FAQs

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Fiscal, Budget

  1. Are applicants allowed to adjust to budget forms?

    ​Applicants are allowed to add rows and expand the text boxes in Section C - BUDGET WORKSHEET & NARRATIVE.  The other Sections of the the Uniform Budget Template do not allow editing.

  2. Are pre-award costs included in the full award disbursement, if contract is awarded?

    ​Pre-award costs for services in anticipation of an award are allowable, where necessary, for the efficient and timely performance of the program, and are subject to 2 CFR 200.458.  To be accepted, proof of services must meet the guidelines and requirements outlined within this NOFO.  Only applicants who receive an award as a result of the NOFO and merit-based review process will be eligible for pre-award costs.  

  3. How do we present the sliding scale match in the Uniform Grant Budget Template? Do we just use an average for a number?

    ​According to the NOFO, there is no cost sharing or matching requirement.  

  4. If our organization has a Federally negotiated indirect cost rate, are we permitted to use that indirect cost rate as we craft our budget?

    ​Yes.  For more information on the Indirect cost rate options in the NOFO. 

  5. Is there a list of allowable costs specific to this grant?

    ​According to the NOFO, allowable costs must be necessary, reasonable, and allocable based on the activity or activities contained in the scope of work.  Costs must be in accordance with the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR 200 and the DOL Exceptions to the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR 2900.  See the Uniform Budget Template INSTRUCTIONS Tab for a complete list of budget line items.


  1. Do program participants need to be "current" opportunity youth, meaning that they cannot currently be in school or working in order to qualify for this NOFO?

    While the 2021 Youth Career Pathways NOFO priority is for "Opportunity Youth", which are those individuals between the ages of 16 and 24 who are neither in school nor working, applications for in-school youth will also be considered.

  2. How do I register in the SAMS System (System for Award Management)?

    ​Organizations should follow the step-by-step instruction on this website to complete the SAMS registration.

  3. How does WIOA define deficiency in basic literacy skills (for out-of-school youth)? Is operating at a 10 grade level for an HS graduate/equivalent considered to be deficient in basic literacy skills?

    ​No, WIOA defines the term ''basic skills deficient'' as, with respect to an individual— (A) who is a youth, that the individual has English reading, writing, or computing skills at or below the 8th grade level on a generally accepted standardized test; or (B) who is a youth or adult, that the individual is unable to compute or solve problems, or read, write, or speak English, at a level necessary to function on the job, in the individual's family, or in society. Grantees are to use the Basic Skills Screening Tool attached to WIOA Notice 19-NOT-01, Change 2 prior to a complete assessment in order to determine basic skills deficiency. 

  4. How long does it take to complete the pre-award registration process?

    ​Organizations should go to to start the automated registration process. This process takes several steps and should be completed with the assistance of the organization's fiscal officer to ensure that the automated e-mails are routed to the appropriate staff. New organizations are generally advised to allow for at least a week to complete the State of Illinois registration process. Please note that this timeline assumes that the organization also has a valid DUNS number and is registered in the federal System for Award Management System(SAMS).

  5. If this grant program was offered last year, is there a list of the previous grantees available?

    ​DCEO does not share prior lists of applicants or grantees. However, the DCEO grant tracker site can be used to view a list of all DCEO grants.

  6. In the application format section, it states that the proposal narrative is a maximum of 12 pages. Does that refer to the Technical Proposal portion only? (excluding executive summary packet, application, and other attachments)

    ​Yes, the Technical Proposal is the 12-page maximum.   

  7. Is OJT allowable for youth participants?

    Yes, under this current grant opportunity on-the-job training (OJT) is allowable under Work-Based Learning.

  8. Is there a form to use for the technical proposal? Are these to be an attachment to the application? Is there a specific font & size of print? Single spaced or double?

    ​Applications must be formatted to an 8 1/2 x 11-inch page size, using an 11-point type and at 100% magnification. Tables may be used to present information with a 10-point type. The program narrative must be typed single-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides. The proposal narrative is a maximum of 12 pages.  The entire application, including appendices, must be sequentially page numbered (handwritten page numbers are acceptable). Items included in the attachments are NOT included in the page limitations.

  9. We are considering applying to the Talent Pipeline, Workforce Innovation, and Youth Career Pathways RFPs that were released. We have programs & participants that fit well within each scope. Should we select one to focus on, or apply to all three?

    ​It is your choice if you want to apply to one or more of the NOFO opportunities.  The project must meet the criteria established in the NOFO.

  10. What is an LMI Analysis?

    ​Labor Market Information (LMI) analysis is data on employment and the workforce. Examples of LMI include the following: size and characteristics of the labor market, including demand for and supply of labor.

  11. What is the start date of the grant cycle for the Youth Initiative program?

    ​The tentative date for grant negotiations is April 2021, with the anticipated program start date of June 2021.

  12. When should a grantee exit a co-enrolled participant?

    ​An exit should occur when a participant, enrolled in multiple partner programs, has not received services from any DOL-administered program in which the participant is enrolled for at least 90 days, and no future services are planned. Ninety days of no service does not include self-service, information-only activities or follow-up services. An exit must occur if no services are received within 90 days (this could be during or after the grant period).

  13. When should an organization update the Internal Control Questionnaire on the portal?

    ​Grantees are required to update the Internal Control Questionnaire at least every fiscal year.  The ICQ responses should be updated and resubmitted if there are significant changes that would impact an organization's capacity to administer a grant.

  14. Where do we find the template for Applicant Name-YCP Program Application form?

    ​All required documents for the application are under NOFO Materials.

  15. Will the payments for participants training between agencies and schools be in the form of an ITA payment or will a regular form of payment for participants training be accepted?

    ​In-School Youth (ISY) through the approval of a waiver from DOL and Out of School Youth (OSY) can use youth program-funded Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) for any sector-based training programs. Providers must be on the Eligible Training Provider list when occupational training is paid for by an ITA.

Partnership Agreements/MOUs

  1. Is a complete Memorandum of Understanding with a Local Workforce Area or LWIA contractor required to be submitted with the application or can the MOU be “developed” after the application is submitted?

    ​All proposals must have a Letter of Commitment from the LWIB that confirms the proposed project aligns with the priorities identified in the WIOA regional plan. Additionally, the letter should include a statement that the LWIB will help the grantee identify ways to sustain the project when funding ends. In instances where there will be co-enrollment of youth in the Local Workforce Innovation Area, there will also need to be a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining the project's roles and responsibilities. The Department has provided an example of a letter of commitment in Appendix H. 

  2. Where can I go to find out more information regarding my local workforce areas?

    Support of Regional Plans

    This dashboard provides the public with access to all Plans and MOUs with the status of Approved/Approved with Technical changes.  

    The dashboard is a searchable list of every regional plan, local plan and MOU and gives you the ability to: 

    • Search by Keyword; 

    • Filter by EDR, LWIA, Document Type, and Approval Status; 

    • Filter by dates to find documents active during a specific time; and 

    • Preview and download documents that are Approved/Approved with Technical Changes. 

    Finding Active Documents: 

    • Use the Document Effective and Document Expires column to verify you looking at active documents. 

    • Documents are typically named starting with PY##, this reflects the program year the document was submitted for.  

    Steps to Access your Regional Plan: 

      1. Access the MOU Dashboard at
      2. Navigate to the third drop-down box titled Document Type and select Regional Plans. The list will populate with all approved regional plans for the state.  
      3. Download and review the plan that aligns with your EDR. 


  1. Do all programs have to have training and post secondary providers?

    ​All programs MUST have a training component. We highly recommend that all providers have an exit strategy for all participants including Post-Secondary Education, Employment opportunities, etc.

  2. The NOFO identifies one of the target populations to serve as "Individuals facing substantial cultural barriers". Can you provide more information on what "facing substantial cultural barriers" means?

    ​This targeted population includes individuals with barriers to employment as defined in WIOA including but not limited to individuals who have low levels of literacy and individuals served under the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) that is authorized under Section 167 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.

  3. What is the difference between a registered and non-registered apprenticeship?

    ​Please review- Illinois Common Career Pathways Definition and Guidance of the NOFO and Apprentice Illinois for more information.

  4. What is the difference between and in-school and out-of-school youth?

    ​Please review- the NOFO for detailed information regarding the WIOA eligibility requirements Appendix E.