The JTED Home Illinois Project is a collaboration between the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Illinois Department of Human Services ("IDHS") and the Illinois Interagency Task Force on Homelessness to Prevent and End Homelessness to support strategies identified in Illinois' Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. The project will support Strategy #3 (Secure Financial Stability) of the Plan by funding pilot projects to be implemented in three to five Continuum of Care ("COC") areas in Illinois that connect people who are experiencing homelessness to employment and that demonstrate systemic coordination of the homeless response system and workforce system. The intended result of coordinating is to improve employment opportunities, individuals' financial stability, and their ability to afford permanent housing in their communities.
Who can apply for funding:Entities eligible to apply for a grant award under this NOFO must be either:
- The lead entity of a COC organization, including private nonprofit organizations (which may include a faith-based organization); Note: COCs that are government entities are NOT eligible to apply as the lead applicant; or
- A federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act ("WIOA") administrative entity (Local Workforce Innovation Area). Note: WIOA administrative entities that are government entities are eligible to apply.
All applicants must demonstrate expertise and effectiveness in administering workforce development programs [20 ILCS 605/605-415(b)] or partner with an entity with this experience.
Who will the funding serve: Eligible participants under this project are individuals experiencing homelessness who reside in shelters or who participate in a Rapid Re-housing (RRH) Program as defined in the NOFO.
What is the Service Delivery Model?The Home Illinois: Illinois' Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness report sets the foundational vision for ending homelessness in the state. Through established and new innovative strategies, Illinois residents, community agencies, and state government will work together to prevent entries into shelters. When literal homelessness does occur, the experience will be rare, brief and a one-time occurrence.
IDHS: Home Illinois, Illinois' Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness ( The Home Illinois project funded under this NOFO will support Strategy #3 to secure financial stability for individuals experiencing homelessness.
Key components of the project include:
Partnerships: At a minimum, the pilot programs must have a partnership between the lead agency of the COC in the area, the Local Workforce Innovation Area(s) ("LWIA"), and one or more organizations that operate an RRH program or shelter in the area.
Employment Navigation: The pilot program must have at least one dedicated staff member who is responsible for helping individuals find appropriate work readiness, training, and/or support services.
Support Strategies: The pilot program must have clear strategies designed to help job seekers follow through on their employment plans.
Work Readiness Strategies: The pilot program must include services that prepare individuals for job search and work.
Training and Education: The pilot program must include strategies to help individuals find training or education services that support their employment and career goals.
Equity-Focused Program Culture: Applicants must demonstrate how the program will increase participants' access, enrollment, completion, and retention.