Provides skill upgrades to individuals hired as trainees with the expectation the trainee will be able to perform the tasks necessary for the position upon the completion of the training. OJT's are limited to six months of work time and are for new hires in full-time positions only. It is the employer's responsibility to provide training. The grant will pay for wage reimbursements to the employer based on payroll records on a sliding scale, from 50 percent to 75 percent of wages (not fringe benefits or overtime hours) based on the number of employees at the worksite. OJT's require WIOA eligibility determinations, case management and reporting in IWDS.
Out‐of‐Area Job Search Assistance may cover expenses for a pre‐ approved job interview or other job search activities that occurs outside the worker's normal commuting area if suitable employment, as defined by State law, is not available in the area. The commuting area in Illinois is 10 miles. This service is available to affected workers certified under TAA 2002, Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act (TGAAA) 2009, and TAA Reauthorization Act (TAARA) 2015.
Out‐of‐Area Relocation Assistance may cover expenses for a pre‐ approved move of the worker, his/her family and their household goods, outside the worker's normal commuting area if suitable employment as defined by State law is not available in the area. The commuting area in Illinois is 10 miles. The workers must have a bona fide offer of work. This service is available to affected workers certified under TAA 2002, TGAAA 2009, and TAARA 2015.