Career Planning / Case Management is the coordination of services on behalf of an individual.
All participants must have an objective comprehensive assessment, not just basic skills of their academic levels, skill levels, and service needs. The purpose of the assessment is to help individuals and career planners make decisions about appropriate employment goals and develop effective service strategies for reaching those goals. An effective assessment shall include a review of basic skills, occupational skills, prior work experience, employability, interests, aptitudes, supportive service needs, and developmental needs of such participant. Note a TABE test as a stand-alone assessment is not appropriate.
Adult and Dislocated Worker participants should have an Individual Career Plan (noted as an Individual Employment Plan in title I of WIOA) developed jointly by the participant and the career planner. The Career Plan is an ongoing strategy that sets a series of objectives such as the participant's education and employment goals, the appropriate achievement objectives, and the appropriate combination of services that address barriers (see WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Services) for the participant to be successful.
Every Youth participant must have an Individual Service Strategy (ISS). The ISS is a specific ongoing plan based on the objective assessment and shall identify career pathways that include education and employment goals. Appropriate achievement objectives and appropriate services (see WIOA Youth Services) for the youth directly linked to one or more of the indicators of performance described here must also be included in the ISS.
During effective case management, career planners conduct periodic reviews of actual activities in relation to participant plans to determine if progress towards successful completion is still on track following the guidance provided in the Service Delivery chapter in the WIOA ePolicy. Any related problems that may arise must be recorded in case notes. If obstacles are identified, note how each barrier or need will be addressed and by whom. Some obstacles may be addressed by providing applicable WIOA supportive services if allowable by the funding opportunity; however, grantees are encouraged to seek out one-stop partners and other entities that may be able to provide these services.
Applicants other than Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIAs) and their active WIOA operators and providers must work with their designated LWIA(s) to create a viable approach for complying with WIOA client eligibility, reporting, and performance requirements. Such applicants must develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with an LWIA and any other qualified organization that details roles and responsibilities related to recruitment, eligibility determination, enrollment, performance requirements, and strategies. Additionally, the LWIA and the applicant must include in the MOU the LWIA's commitment to the project and that it aligns with the Regional and Local Plans. The MOU must contain signatures of all parties mentioned in the agreement. Applicants must identify staff that is qualified to certify and document eligibility in the Illinois Workforce Development System for WIOA customers and Incumbent Worker Tracking System for incumbent worker trainees. Grantees are expected to meet all WIOA case management requirements and must agree to provide or coordinate follow up services with program participants (as appropriate).