Oversight Process and Reporting

The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (​DCEO) will periodically monitor and evaluate programmatic activities and the financial records pursuant to the Grant Agreement (GA). The Grantee will be monitored for compliance with all applicable federal and State laws, regulations, and rules, WIOA regulations and Grantor policies applicable to the GA. The Grantee's performance will be assessed to gauge its impact upon the target population and for the effective and efficient utilization of the WIOA funds. Assessments will occur both during the operation of the program and upon its completion.

Types of Oversight

What kinds of data will be monitored and evaluated?

The information falls into one of three categories: financial data, such as expenses paid for with federal funds; compliance information to ensure the recipient is following federal regulations; and project data highlighting progress and/or community impact.

DCEO uses this information, in part, to gauge the success of their own programs and initiatives.

The required information may be collected through several different channels, including regular progress reports, site visits, and audits (see table below).

Progress ReportsSite Visits & Technical AssistanceAudits

Grant recipients submit regular reports (called "Periodic Performance Report" or "PPR" and "Periodic Financial Report" or "PFR") documenting a project throughout its lifespan.

These reports may include both expense-related data and quantitative information about the project's progress and impact.

Grant recipients may receive site visits from DCEO. Such visits provide an opportunity for two-way communication between the grantor and the award recipient.

Technical assistance provided by the grantor is also a means for ensuring that the grant recipient is complying with the award agreement.

The Single Audit Act (amended in 1996) states that grant recipients may be subject to an audit once a year.

The audit aims to ensure compliance with government regulations and evaluate financial information, including expenses paid for with federal award funds.

Quarterly Reports

Grantees are required to submit reports to DCEO as outlined in the Deliverable Schedule of the Grant Agreement. This includes the progress reports listed above. Grantees' submittal of the required reports allows the Department to monitor their progress toward grant-defined goals and their due diligence in grant fiscal management and recordkeeping.

The non-compliance process will start if a grantee has not submitted a report by the due date and has not provided proper justification. The non-compliance process will also start if there are any issues with the report and the grantee is not working to resolve them. Additional information on the noncompliance process is located at Grant Noncompliance Process. Additional resources are located at Grant Video Training & Resources.

Standard Grant Reporting Forms
  • Periodic Performance Report (PDF)
  • Periodic Financial Report (PDF)

Supporting Documentation Guidelines
​Grantees are required to provide supporting documentation with the reports. For grants awarded by DCEO, grantees are required to submit a trial balance as supporting documentation with their Periodic Financial Reports and documentation to support the deliverables/outcomes identified in the Grant Agreement.