Integrating local workforce services for job-seeker and employer customers is a priority for the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board (IWIB). Because Illinois has many departments and programs involved in service delivery, integrating these many resources is essential for customers to have a positive experience. This page provides links to help Local Workforce Innovation Boards (LWIBs), One-Stop Operators, and various core and required partners identified in the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act understand service integration requirements, investigate effective practices, and exchange ideas and information.
Every comprehensive one-stop center in Illinois has prepared an action plan focused on their highest service integration priorities. These plans are made available as a resource for one-stop centers to learn about innovative strategies and tactics they could use to strengthen service integration in their workforce areas. All of these plans were submitted to the IWIB by September 30, 2020. Please note that two LWIAs have multiple comprehensive one-stops and action plans.
View the LWIA Action Plans.