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Employer Leadership
Employer Leadership
Build a Talent Pipeline with Speed and Flexibility
Illinois' workforce network helps employers align talent acquisition with business strategy. Business-driven solutions offered through WIOA include:
Occupational and Labor Market Information to inform economic forecasting
No-cost human resource services for recruiting, retaining, and hiring qualified employees
Accelerated and customized employer-based training programs for increasing the skills of existing and new employees
Partnerships to access a skilled workforce with nationally-recognized credentials
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Business Leading the Way
Businesses' viewpoints are important to the network's success
; employers are represented on the
Illinois Workforce Innovation Board
(IWIB), the state’s workforce oversight panel, and state Local Workforce Innovation Area Boards.
Illinois is reducing the skills gap by building capacity for economic development organizations, chambers of commerce, and industry associations to prioritize workforce training and retention. Employers are the end customers in this effort.
Illinois Pathways
was launched in February 2012 to support the state's goal of increasing the percentage of residents with high-quality degrees and credentials to 60% by 2025.
Illinois implements major strategies promoted by the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Talent Pipeline Management (TPM)
initiative to provide the next steps in linking economic and workforce development and building STEM-related talent pipelines through Illinois Pathways.
Programs for Employers
WIOA helps facilitate business growth by investing in human capital. Employers use WIOA
and services to build a talent pipeline of skilled, qualified workers.
Five primary programs are available to employers:
Customized Training: Pay less than 50% of the training cost.
Incumbent Worker Training: Increase current employees’ skills by up to 90% reimbursable.
On-the-Job Training: New employees receive needed training, during which their new wages will be reimbursable up to 50%.
Job Training and Economic Development: Specifically for small business owners seeking employees.
No-Cost Human Resource Services: Match qualified workers with job openings, screening and assessments, and follow-up to ensure successful placements.
Connect to these programs, services, and resources on the Illinois workNet Portal System
Combined Employer-Based Training Flyer
Incumbent Worker Training Flyer
On-the-Job Training Flyer
Customized Training Flyer
Registered Apprenticeship Flyer
Related Resources
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