4B - Scope of Work - Description of Work - are you wanting curricula tasks, for instance what are the tasks that each student will be doing\or are you wanting "program" tasks - with partners and/or employers?
The Tasks and Outcomes in Section 4B of the application should address the grantee-level and partner-level activities involved in carrying out the project. Part of those tasks may be delivery of certain curricula to the participants by the grantee and/or partners providing training. Tasks in this section should not describe in detail each of the activities students perform in the course of the curriculum, however, an important task to describe may be “X number of program participants begin [curriculum]”, and an important outcome to describe may be “X number of program participants take certification exam for [curriculum]”.
Are non-profit organizations eligible to apply for this RFA? Thanks
Yes, as are businesses, educational institutions, WIOA providers, and Local Workforce Areas.
Are there instructions for question 3.9 and section 6?
Section 3.9 is very straightforward. A) Name in very general terms the types of occupations in which you intend to place youth; B) Likewise name the in-demand industry sector or sectors in which these occupations sit; C) describe your organization’s status as a for- or non-profit entity; D), E) and F) are to be left “N/A”; G) indicate how many youth you are serving; I) indicate whether or not you are currently a WIOA service provider funded by an LWIA; and J) Is your entity licensed to do what it does?
Section 6 should list the businesses that you are working with. Utilize the other blanks to list their current level of full and part time employment at the locations where you intend to place individuals. If there are too many to fit into the space provided, please list additional businesses on a separate page and include it in your submission.
Can "Private" funding come from not-for-profit corporations/organizations?
Can business investment fund contributions be 'in-kind" if contribution is clearly articulated in an MOU?
Yes, the business contribution to the project can be “in-kind”; however, the costs must be necessary, reasonable and allocable based on the activity or activities contained in the project scope of work. Leveraged funds, that are cash or in-kind must be verifiable in recipient records.
Can start up fund be requested for the beginning of the project?
Grantees need to comply with the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR 200.305(1). The timing and amount of advance payments must be as close as is administratively feasible to the actual cash disbursements by the non-federal entity for direct program or project costs and the proportionate share of any allowable indirect costs. In accordance with the grant agreement, the Department shall authorize an initial disbursement in an amount sufficient to address the grantee’s immediate cash needs according to their reported and Department approved obligations.
Cooperative Extension is active Statewide, would a statewide program application be considered or should there be a focus on specific LWIA's?
Statewide applications are not encouraged, given the level of coordination required with each Local Workforce Area. Pilots should be focused in order to test for scalability and sustainability.
Do 20% of these funds have to spent on work based learning, just like WIOA formula youth funds?
Projects funded with WIOA Title I funds must to adhere to Title I regulations. As the RFA targets career pathways projects with robust business engagement and a work based learning component, it is likely that successful applications will exceed a 20% work experience threshold.
Does Leveraged Funds encompass "in-kind" contributions?
Leveraged funds can include in-kind or cash contributions.
I am a WIOA provider in Cook County, how do I seek a formal agreement/MOU with The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership?
The first step in seeking partnership agreements in Cook County is at this link.
I see that the length of the funding for this grant is 12-18 months. Is this grant renewable after the initial funding period expires?
As stated in the RFA, one of the evaluation criteria for applications is the applicant’s sustainability plan. Applicants should not assume that the Department will renew funding for the specific program in the application. Applicants should work with their Local Workforce Area and business partners to outline a plan for sustainability in the case that the program is successful and contributes to the goals of WIOA planning.
If the local, federally funded LWA is applying for the grant and will not provide a MOU, do we not submit a grant application?
Organizations and applicants are encouraged to work together to develop regional solutions that may impact multiple local workforce areas. The project requires a partnership with the local workforce areas.
If you are already a provider in your LWA in which you are submitting for this RFA, do you need to have an MOU with your local LWA oversight agency?
An MOU is required. From Section 8 of the Application: “A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) must be developed and signed by the applicant and Local Workforce Area that minimally includes the Local Workforce Area’s role and responsibilities related to recruitment, eligibility determination, enrollment, and performance requirements and strategies. Attached Partnership Agreements (as opposed to letters of Support) with all key partners detailing entity information and contact information, responsibilities, functions, and integration”. Applicants are also encouraged to explore with their Local Workforce Area whether or not the plan supports regional planning priorities and is feasibly sustainable. If an MOU is not able to be executed by the time of application, a written commitment to execute an MOU prior to receipt of grant funds will suffice for the application review phase.
Is it resonable to assume we can submit a slightly more expansive response in the Technical Response Attachment?
Full question: Given that the questions in section 8 of the standard application are the same as the questions for the Technical Response, and there is a requested page limit in the standard application for that section; is it resonable to assume we can submit a slightly more expansive response in the Technical Response Attachment?
The page limit is a request, not a requirement. We ask that you take what space you need in order to describe your program completely, but efficiently.
Is there a match/leverage percentage that is required? I don't see a level of requirement in the RFA or in the webinar presentation.
Co-investment is required. A specific percentage of matching or leveraged funding was not prescribed, however the strength of the co-investment model will be evaluated in scoring of applications and determining the strength of the project.
It's been mentioned that Cooperative Extension participants such as 4-H are priority youth. would participants in this opportunity be required to be 16-24 year olds?
Yes. All participants funded with WIOA Title I funds must meet WIOA Title I eligibility requirements.
Must the training have college credit associated with it to be considered portable ans stackable?
Training credentials must be in demand and industry recognized.
Please define leveraged, in-kind and matching funds and which category of funding is required.
This request for application requires applicant to document leveraged funds.
Leveraged Funds: All resources used by the grantee to support grant activity and outcomes, whether those resources meet the standards applied to match or not.
- Leveraged resources means both allowable match and other costs that do not rise to the requirements of the regulations, but which support the outcomes of grant activity.
Matching Funds: The portion of project costs not paid by Federal funds that meet the following conditions:
- Additional non-Federal funds expended to support grant objectives.
- Must be spent on allowable grant activities.
- Verifiable in recipient records.
- Not used to support another Federally funded program and Not paid with Federal Funds
- Necessary, Reasonable and Allowable cost under Cost Principles.
- Provided for in approved budget and Allowable under the grant.
- Conform to other applicable Uniform Guidance provision (see §200.306 Cost sharing or matching).
Non-Federal Cash Expenditures: Funds or services provided and paid for by recipient or subrecipient from non-Federal funds including payment for services that are allowable under the grant or 3rd party cash contributions to recipient that are spent by the recipient on allowable costs
Non-Federal In-Kind Expenditures: Products, space, or services provided by a third-party organization and not paid for by recipient or subrecipient
Regarding Match Section 7 says "Complete only if the applicant is a private sector employer... that will be the primary recipient of the grant funds... please explain.
This is an error in the application document. A corrected application will be posted. The proposed match column should reflect the contributions of the applicant and other partners including business to each line item of the budget. Those contributions should be detailed in the budget narrative.
Section 8 describes the questions to be addressed in the techincal proposal, however the RFA indicates the technical proposal should be included as an attachment. Should these questions be addressed w/in the app or separate enhanced technical proposal?
We request the technical proposal as an attachement to a completed Department of Commerce application document.
Section B Page 14 Question 4-We are a Workforce Center under the Partnership - Will the DCEO have a MOU from the Partnership for current WIOA program facilitators?
The first step in seeking partnership agreements in Cook County is at this link.
The technical proposal consists of the questions being answered in an attached document, the DOC application must be completed and is considered the document to fill in the "gray" boxes. Correct?
The technical proposal should at a minimum include the answers to the questions in Section 8 of the Standard Application.
What is the anticipated award date and program start date?
Final decisions and notification of awards are currently scheduled for the last week in May. Grants will be targeted for approximately one month after notice.
What is the process to obtain an MOU from the Partnership (Chicago)?
Cook County applicants should request partnership with their LWA here.
Where is the PowerPoint from the RFA webinar posted?
The PowerPoint and all recorded webinars will be posted here.
Who is the main point of contact for this RFA?
Matt Hillen with the Illinois Department of Commerce is the main point of contact for this RFA. He can be contacted via email at Matthew.Hillen@illinois.gov.
Will you pay profit and/or G&A (Indirect Cost)?
This grant will not pay profit. The Grant will pay for indirect costs.