Assessments - Skill & Interest Survey

Skills and Interests Surveys

Career Exploration Career Exploration 
Self-Accessed Assessment Self-Accessed Assessment

Purpose: Skills and Interests Surveys are online questionnaires that help customers identify what they like to do or are good at so they can move toward a career choice or career change. There are no right or wrong answers, and they are not timed assessments. Customers can use the results as a starting point for exploring potential career pathways.

Surveys offered through Illinois workNet include:

  • CCI Quick Pi​​​​​​​​c (5-10 minutes)
    • ​Expectations: Rate 48 activities as “Like Very Much," “Like," “Not Sure," or “Dislike."
    • Results: CCI Quick Pic creates a list that matches the 16 national career clusters to their interests.​
  • Career Cluster Inventory (5-10 minutes)
    • Expectations: Rate 48 activities as “Like Very Much," “Like," “Not Sure," or “Dislike."
    • Results: Similar to the CCI Quick Pic, the Career Cluster Inventory creates a list that matches the 16 national career clusters to the respondents' interests.​​
  • Entrepreneurial Assessment (5-10 minutes)
    • Expectations: Rate 20 activities as “Strongly Agree," “Between Strongly Agree and Somewhat Agree," “Somewhat Agree," “Between Somewhat Agree and Strongly Disagree," or “Strongly Disagree." ​
    • Results: The Customer will receive a score from 0 to 100. The scores are as follows: 0-39, they should probably avoid self-employment; 40-59, self-employment may not be right for them; 60-79, they have a satisfactory ability to be an entrepreneur; and 80-100, they have an outstanding ability to be an entrepreneur.
  • Interest​​​ Profiler (5-10 minutes)
    • Expectations: Rate 60 activities as “Strongly Like," “Like," “Unsure," “Dislike," or “Strongly Dislike." ​
    • Results: Six interest areas (Realistic, Conventional, Investigative, Social, Enterprising, and Artistic) are measured, and the top two are shown. Customers and individuals can select an interest area to explore careers that match their interests.​​​
  • Learning Styles Survey (5-10 minutes)
    • Expectations: Rate 24 activities as “Often," “Sometimes," or “Not Often."
    • Results: The Learning Styles Survey scores primary, secondary, and tertiary learning styles. The Customer's preferred learning style may receive the highest score. 
  • Occupation Sort (10-15 minutes)
    • Expectations: Select 5-10 career factors from a list of 28, then rank the factors in order of importance and choose the level of each factor desired in a career.
    • Results: Careers that match the selected factors will show in a list format. Each career title has a chart icon that compares selected factors with the career requirements.
  • ​Reality Check (5-10 minutes)
    • Expectations: Customers can start Reality Check in two ways. They can select “Start" to calculate their lifestyle expenses and see how those fit in with careers, or they can select “Start With a Career" to pick their desired career and see if their lifestyle matches.
    • Results: Reality Check helps Customers and Individuals determine how much money they need to live their desired lifestyle. Expenses for rent, car payments, food, and clothes add up quickly. Reality Check will total the amounts for the items they select to determine how much money is needed to cover those expenses.​
  • Workplace Employability Skills (5-10 minutes)
    • Expectations: Customers will rate their current ability level in 36 different activities as “High," “Medium," or “Low."
    • Results: Nine skill areas are measured and displayed in a chart format, showing their strengths and areas for improvement. 
  • Work Importance Locator (5-10 minutes)
    • Expectations: Customers will rate how important each work value is to them in 20 activities as “Most Important," “Important," “Somewhat Important," “Less Important," or “Least Important."
    • Results: Six work value areas (Achievement, Support, Recognition, Working Conditions, Independence, and Relationships) are measured. A chart will show career matches based on their selected work values. ​
Access to the Assessment ​​and Results:​​
  • ​​Customers can access the assessments and saved results through their My Dashboard. All saved results are stored in the customer's account. They can retake and save their results an unlimited number of times.

  • Approved providers can view saved survey results through specific program tools.


Self-Accessed AssessmentSelf-Accessed Assessments

Skills and Interests Surveys
