Clean Energy Career Pathway NOFO

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (the "Department" or "DCEO") is pleased to announce $4 million in funding to launch the second round of the Clean Energy Career Pathway Program. This program will provide career pathway opportunities for students pursuing in-demand jobs in the clean energy sector.​

The Department is issuing this Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO") to launch the Clean Energy Career Pathway Program. In 2021, Governor Pritzker signed the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) to incentivize renewable energy development, accelerate electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, create statewide clean energy workforce training programs, and equitably support energy transitions. This grant will be an avenue to recruit students into the fields that support in-demand jobs in the clean energy sector, allowing students to be prepared for a career leading to steady employment and a livable wage. The grant will provide funding to eligible applicants to support the development and implementation of Clean Energy Career Pathways in districts and schools.

The Clean Energy Career Pathway Program will provide funding directly to eligible recipients to support the planning and implementation of a Clean Energy Career Pathway. Programs will include coursework, field experiences, and work-based learning designed to prepare students for entrance into careers focusing on electric vehicles. To ensure equitable pathways for students, this funding opportunity seeks school districts, community colleges, trade associations, and workforce development organizations, among others, that will work with the Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIA) and employers to recruit students into clean energy fields and create pathways encompassing technical and employability skills with dual credit options.

The grant shall be awarded to selected applicants for a period of two years. The first year can be a planning period to establish the curriculum, modernize the classroom, or provide professional development to instructors. In the second year, pilot a clean energy career pathway program focusing on occupations that support electric vehicle infrastructure. Planning periods may be less than a year if the program is ready for implementation.​

Program Design
​The Clean Energy Career Pathway program will fund approximately ten awards through this Notice of Funding Opportunity.

Who can apply for funding:

Eligible entities for this NOFO are defined as Regional Offices of Education (ROEs); Intermediate Service Centers (ISCs); state institutions of higher education; schools designated as laboratory schools, public university laboratory schools approved by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE); area vocational centers; charter schools; cooperatives and other joint agreements with a governing body or board of control; schools operated by an ROE, ISC, or state agency; and school districts are eligible to apply. 

Entities that are not school districts or Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are eligible to apply. These entities include, but are not limited to, industry associations, Regional Offices of Education (ROEs), Intermediate Service Centers (ISCs); community-based organizations, including faith-based organizations; or Indian tribes or tribal organizations (as defined in the federal Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act). Entities that are approved shall be responsible for ensuring that they have facilities available and educators who are appropriately trained on the use of any technologies or devices acquired for the purposes of the grant. Collaborative applications will be accepted.

Who will the funding serve: 
The program will serve in-school youth with one or more barriers to employment.

Submission Details
​​Application Deadline:  The application due date for this round of funding is 5:00 PM (Central Time) on March 14, 2025. Failure to meet the application deadline or failure to submit all required materials may result in the Department returning the application without review or may preclude the Department from making the award.

Application Submission Requirements:  Application materials must be submitted to the Department via the SmartSheet. The link to the SmartSheet is in the NOFO. The Department will not accept applications submitted by mail, overnight mail, diskette, or by fax machine. Electronic submissions, including links to documents stored in Google Docs or other cloud-based servers, are not allowed. The Department is under no obligation to review applications that do not comply with the above requirements.

An informational webinar​ will be held on March 5, 2025, from 10:00 -​ 11:30 am. ​​ Information about how to access the webinar is available under the Informational Sessions header below.

Funding Information
​It is anticipated that the Department will provide funding of $5,000,000 to fund this program. Please note that the Department may exceed the funding range based on the proposed project outcomes.

Total Funds Available: $4,000.000
Anticipated Number of Grants: 8-15
Funding Range: $250,000 to $750,000

Based on successful performance and if funds are available, the Department may determine that grant extensions and additions of funds to current grantees will be permitted.

NOFO Materials

Useful State Resources for Successful Applications

Clean Energy Career Pathway Resources

Informational Sessions
Informational Sessions will be held within the first two weeks of NOFO development to ensure that all applicants have the skills needed to submit a competitive application regardless of their familiarity with Department funding opportunities.

​Application Technical Assistance Conference
March 5, 2025
10:00 - 11:30 am
​Overview of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), including award details, restrictions, definitions, requirements, and target population.
​NOFO Technical Assistance Session: Budget​
​March 5, 2025
10:00 - 11:30 am
​This session will cover topics related to the budget, such as Return on Investment, Budget Purpose, Budget Expenditure Categories, Types of Costs, Budget walkthrough, Helpful Tips, Do's/Don'ts, and Budget Resources.
​Technical Assistance Office Hours
March 12, 2025
2:00 - 3:00 pm
​Applicants are invited to attend Technical Assistance Office Hours (via Zoom) to receive one-on-one assistance to prepare their proposals. These Office Hours provide an opportunity to ask questions related to the intent of the Clean Energy Career Pathway NOFO.
​Technical Assistance Office Hours
​March 19, 2025
2:00 - 3:​00 pm
​Applicants are invited to attend Technical Assistance Office​ Hours (via Zoom) to receive one-on-one assistance to prepare their proposals. These Office Hours provide an opportunity to ask questions related to the intent of the Clean Energy Career Pathway NOFO.
Technical Assistance Office Hours
​March 26, 2025
​2:00 - 3:00 pm
​​Applicants are invited to attend Technical Assistance Office​ Hours (via Zoom) to receive one-on-one assistance to prepare their proposals. These Office Hours provide an opportunity to ask questions related to the intent of the Clean Energy Career Pathway NOFO.

NOFO Technical Assistance Office Hours
​Applicants are invited to join the Technical Assistance Office Hours (via Zoom) to receive one-on-one assistance for preparing their proposals. These Office Hours provide an opportunity to ask questions related to the intent of the Clean Energy Career Pathway NOFO. 
Office hours will be held from 2:00 - 3:00 pm on the following Wednesdays: March 12, 19, and 26. You may join with this link