Contact Us

FAQs Got a question? Check out the FAQs below or visit the FAQ page to browse commonly asked questions or submit a question.

Contact Us Need help? Complete the contact form below. Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday between 8:00am-4:30pm, except for some holidays. We do our best to reply within two business days.

Feedback Survery Interested in sharing feedback? We want to hear about your experience using in a short, anonymous questionnaire.​​
To Apply for the WIOA Program:
​The WIOA Application is ONLY available through local Illinois workNet Center/American Job Centers. Find a Center near you by visiting the Service Finder and filtering by City or Zip Code: IllinoisworkNet.​​com/ServiceFinder​​

All WIOA Approved Training Programs and Providers are found using the search:​OATrainin​gSearch​​​​​
Illinois workNet cannot assist with Unemployment Insurance-related inquiries.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) manages Illinois' unemployment insurance program.