WIOA Contract Guide


Illinois workNet provides a means to report contracts and contract values as required by
the IWIB Act through the WIOA Provider Summary Reporting application (State Legislation and Policy Reference: WIOA Notice 12-NOT-02). The Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIA) are required to report annually.

Form Icon
Providers must use the WIOA Cont​ract Report Tool to report appropriate information following the WIOA Contract Reporting Presentation Instructions.

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​​​Em​ail the DCEO Program Administrator, John Barr: John.W.Barr@Illinois.gov


Access WIOA Contract Reporting:

My Dashboard Icon 1. Click Here: Login to the WIOA Contract Reporting Toolor

2. Go to My Dashboard, then select WIOA Contract Reporting under Partner Tools.

3. Follow the WIOA Contract Reporting Steps PPT to complete reporting.
      • Contact Illinois workNet to request access if the WIOA Contract Reporting Tool does not display under My Dashboard.

Types of Contract Reporting
​Two types of provider contracts must be reported:

​                                          Training Providers
                                            ​Service Providers
​Report total ITA expenditures (net of refunds) for all ITA training providers for the period. You don’t need to report IWT or OJT training expenditures since the IWT/OJT employers would not be training providers in IWDS or Illinois workNet. Please report expenditures for WIOA-funded grants, such as formula, Rapid Response, and incentive grants. You don’t need to report expenditures for Trade or non-WIOA grants.
​Enter the sub-award/contract amount for each sub-recipient, not the total amount paid. Enter the contract/subaward date range. It may not be the same date range as the reporting period, but it should have started during the reporting period. Previously reported sub-awards do not need to be reported again even if the sub-award amount was modified or the sub-award​ period spans more than one reporting period. Renewals should be reported.

All supporting documentation must be maintained for monitoring purposes. You will only be able to report amounts for providers in IWDS. If you cannot find a training or service provider, try searching using a new/different name. For example, PCCTI Healthcare became Verve College.

September 13, 2019 – The Program Administrator's contact was changed from Chuck Dooley to John Barr; the Guide and PPT were updated to reflect the change.

March 21, 2016 – The WIOA Contract Reporting Tool is available in your Illinois workNet Dashboard. Select Partner Tools, then click WIOA Contract Reporting. If you do not see the WIOA Contract Reporting Tool, then you do not currently have access to the tool. Contact Illin​ois workNet to request access.

May 11, 2015 – This email was sent to LWIA Directors and staff responsible for maintaining WIOA Contract information pursuant to WIOA Notice 12-NOT-02.

Dear Partners, per WIOA Notice 12-NOT-02, please ensure you continue to maintain the required contract information.

With the transition to the Illinois workNet system:
  • ​Bookmark the WIOA Contract Guide page for instructions with the login to access and update contracts.
  • The public can access WIOA Contract Reporting information on this page; we suggest you review this page to ensure contract information is up to date.
​​This email was sent to LWIA Directors and staff identified to have access to enter WIOA Contracts. Please contact Illin​ois workNet for questions or request staff access/changes to maintain this information.