Sector Partnership NEG FAQ

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General Project Information

  1. Are the participants served under the SP NEG grant part of WIOA performance outcomes?

    ​SP NEG participants enrolled only in the SP NEG grant (1N) will not be included in local DW performance calculations. However, if a SP NEG participant is co-enrolled in a WIOA grant subject to performance, the participant will be included in local performance (e.g., a SP NEG participant that is co-enrolled in a DW formula grant will be included in Dislocated Worker performance due to the formula enrollment). 

    As you will see from the Project Goals page, it is expected that your SP NEG project will meet or exceed your Dislocated Worker performance goals.

  2. If we have dislocated worker participants that are currently enrolled in WIOA for occupational training, can we co-enroll in the NEG grant for WBL opportunities?

    • ​Yes, co-enrollments are allowed between the SP NEG grant and other WIOA grants to ensure comprehensive services. Note that all SP NEG clients must receive at least one Career Service under the SP NEG grant. If your strategy is to co-enroll clients, be sure that you will meet the various SP NEG expenditure requirements (e.g. minimum 25% Career Services; minimum 40% Training and Work-Based Learning; minimum 15% Work-Based Learning + Work Experience/Internships under Career Services).
    • If your project design includes plans to co-enroll, please describe your plans in your grant application and in the Comment text box on the Project Goals page so Reviewers understand why particular service levels may appear relatively low (e.g. Supportive Services may look low if you are funding all or part of it out of other WIOA grants--an explanation could alleviate a Reviewer's concern).
    • Note that co-enrollment must not be used to evade policy restrictions, such as the six-month limit on OJTs.
  3. What services can be provided?

    ​Comprehensive WIOA services are allowed, including Career Services, Training (including Work-Based Learning) and Supportive Services. Services must be provided consistent with the Act, Regulations and Federal, State and Local policy.

    • Occupational training in high-demand occupations is to be provided utilizing the approved training provider list and is to result in post-secondary and industry-recognized credentials.

Grant Application

  1. Can we submit an application as a single LWDA or are we required to submit an application with other LWDAs as a region?

    ​You may submit your application as an individual LWIA or with other regional LWIAs.  If you submit your application as an individual LWIA, you should communicate with other LWIAs in your region as you plan and implement your project in order to successfully identify and impact employer needs. 

  2. What are the general parameters for submitting a grant application?

    • ​Sector Partnership NEG grant applications and the Project Goals (revised) document are to be submitted to Lisa Jones at and Jill Meseke at by 6:00 PM Friday, October 9.
      • The project period is November 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. 
      • $3,353,000 is available for subgrants, with an expected minimum funding request of $300,000, although a lesser amount may be submitted with justification. An additional $500,000 will be awarded to SP NEG Grantees in the Spring/Summer of 2016 for Regional Planning.
      • Project sectors: Healthcare, Manufacturing, TDL.
    • Project applications will be reviewed with an emphasis on demonstrated need (e.g. sector job openings, laid off workers, rapid response activity, unemployment rate, employer-identified needs, etc.), project plan and design, capacity to deliver results, reasonable costs, competitive project goals (including competitiveness of meeting/exceeding expenditure requirements) as detailed on the Project Goals page, and accuracy and consistency of information throughout the application and Project Goals page.
      • Performance goals (e.g., Entered Employment Rate, Employment Retention Rate, and Average Annual Earnings) reported on the Project Goals page should match or exceed current Dislocated Worker Formula goals.
    • Applications should highlight key project components and innovations including accelerated training, class-size training, Work-Based Learning, career pathways, multiple Trainings, Occupational Training combined with Work-Based Learning, stackable industry-recognized credentials, job coaching and job matching, employer engagement, client assessment, IEP development, etc.
    • Project design should reflect completion of project enrollments by November 30, 2016. 
    • The terms “Enhanced Career Services” and “Career Services” are used interchangeably throughout the document; “Work-Based Learning” and “Work-Based Training” are also used interchangeably.
    • Project documents and resources are posted on the workNet SP NEG Information Page.

Grantee Reporting and Training

  1. What grantee training and meetings will take place?

    Commerce will provide training (in-person, webinars, conference calls) on project components as necessary. Conference calls will occur as necessary to discuss project implementation, questions, areas of concern and peer-to-peer sharing.

  2. What reports are required?

    • ​LWI​​As will submit monthly project reports along with standard Commerce Quarterly Reports. Additional project information may be requested as necessary.
    • Costs and obligations are to be reported in GRS by the 20th calendar following the reporting month.
    • Services/activities are to be reported in IWDS within ten days of the service/activity.

Participant Services

  1. Can Work-Based Learning employers be in the public sector?

    OJT employers cannot be in the public sector; however, Transitional Jobs and Career Services’ Work Experience/Internship employers can be in the public sector.

  2. Do certified Training Providers have to be used?

    ​The list of approved training providers must be used in selecting training providers who may be public or private entities. As a reminder, Training is to result in post-secondary and industry-recognized credentials.

  3. What are the guidelines for OJTs?

    • ​All OJT requirements found in the Act, Regulations, and DOL and Commerce policy (new WIOA policy as issued and WIA Policy Letter No. 13-PL-01 WIA Training Options or its replacement) must be adhered to. The parameters associated with OJT in DOL’s current OJT NEG guidance, TEGL Nos. 4-10 and 16-12 apply to any OJT opportunities offered under this project.
    • For the purposes of the SP NEG grant, DOL has established an OJT wage cap policy that the OJT reimbursement level is not to exceed a percentage (sliding scale up to 75% consistent with local policy) of the State’s Average Hourly Wage. Illinois’ average hourly wage is currently $22.92. Grantees may enter into contracts with employers who elect to pay participants more than the state's average wage in order to pay comparable wages; however, the employer cannot receive a training reimbursement beyond a percentage of the capped level—the employer must agree to pay any excess amount. 
    • The employer reimbursement amount will be negotiated with employers consistent with local policy, using a sliding scale not to exceed 75% reimbursement.
  4. What is “Enhanced” Career Services?

    • ​For the SP NEG project, DOL emphasizes the need for more intensive career services, believing that Core and Intensive Services declined in the past years. Throughout SP NEG TEGL 31-14, DOL refers to Career Services as Enhanced Career Services as a reminder of the importance of expansion and innovation in this service category. The terms “Enhanced Career Services” and “Career Services” are used interchangeably throughout grant-related documents.
    • The importance of the Enhanced Career Services category is reflected in the requirement that a minimum of 25% of total grant expenditures must be spent on Enhanced Career Services.
  5. What is the difference between Career Services’ Work Experience/Internships and Transitional Jobs, which are also Work Experience/Internships?

    • ​What we do know from the Act and Regulations is that they are similar in that they are time-limited, structured, subsidized, subject to Labor Standards, and are in the public, private and non-profit sectors; designed to assist participants with establishing a work history (experience), demonstrating success in the workplace and developing skills that lead to unsubsidized employment; have no expectation that the participant will be retained by the employer after successful completion.
    • Transitional Jobs are for participants with barriers to employment who are chronically unemployed or have an inconsistent work history. Career Services’ Work Experience/Internships can be provided to any eligible dislocated worker.
    • Transitional Jobs are to be combined with comprehensive career services and supportive services. No such requirement is stated in the Act or regulations for Career Services’ Work Experience and Internships although such comprehensive services are likely provided.
  6. Who is eligible for the project?

    • ​All participants must be WIOA eligible dislocated workers.
    • Unlike other recent NEG grants, there is no target group of dislocated workers that must be served.
    • Incumbent workers may be served on a limited, pre-approved basis and must be part of a strategy to upskill and backfill positions with the employer. Incumbent Worker Training is limited to $400,000 statewide. All Incumbent Worker policies, procedures, and reporting requirements are applicable.
    • Eligible dislocated worker veterans are to receive priority of service.

Project Resources

  1. What resources do I need for this project?

    • Illinois Sector Partnership NEG project site
    • TEGL 31-14; April 29, 2015; Sector Partnership National Emergency Grants
    • WIA Policy Letter No. 13-PL-01; October 9, 2013; WIA Training Options
    • WorkforceOne OJT Tool Kit
    • TEGL 15-10, December 15, 2010: Increasing Credential, Degree, and Certificate Attainment by Participants of the Public Workforce System
    • TEGL 4-10, August 6, 2010: On-the-Job Training and National Emergency Grants Funded with ARRA Resources
    • TEGL 16-12, March 7, 2013: On-the-Job Training and National Emergency Grants Funded with Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker Reserve Funds


  1. Where can I find the LWIA Grant Application?

    You can find the Sector Partnership NEG LWIA grant application on the RFA page.

Use of Funds

  1. Are the budget requirements based on actual expenditures or the budget amount?

    ​The expenditure requirements are based on actual expenditures (e.g. Admin is limited to a maximum of 7.4% of actual expenditures).

  2. How can funds be used and what are the parameters?

    ​Funds can be used for Enhanced Career Services, Training and Work-Based Learning, Supportive Services, and Administration; Regional Planning costs will be added at a later date. The parameters are as follows:

    • Admin: maximum 7.4% of total grant expenditures
    • Enhanced Career Services: minimum 25% of total grant expenditures
    • Training and Work-Based Learning (WBL=OJTs, Customized Training, Incumbent Worker Training, Transitional Jobs, Registered Apprenticeships): minimum 40% of total grant expenditures
    • Work-Based Learning + Work Experience/Internships under Career Services: minimum 15% of total grant expenditures

    Program staff costs are allowable when reasonable, necessary and allocable; oversight and monitoring costs are to be included under Admin.

    • Program Staff costs associated with delivering Enhanced Career Services (including Work Experience/Internships under Career Services) are to be reported as part of Enhanced Career Services. Provide staff costs detail in the Detailed Budget Narrative section of the grant application under the Enhanced Career Services section.
    • Program Staff costs associated with providing Training and Work-Based Learning Services are to be reported as Training and Work-Based Learning Staff Costs. Such staff costs are included in the 40% expenditure requirement for Training and Work-Based Learning, but are NOT included in the 15% Work-Based Learning requirement. Provide staff costs detail in the Detailed Budget Narrative section of the grant application under the Other Training-Related -- Staff section.
    • Staff costs in the above two sections will be reviewed together to get a comprehensive picture of program staff time devoted to the project.

  3. To provide a more comprehensive screening process for applicants, will drug testing be an allowable cost?

    ​We are only able to spend project funds on participants, not applicants so you would not be able to spend project funds for drug testing applicants. Drug testing participants prior to enrolling in training is allowable if it is necessary in terms of employment in the training-related sector. If we receive additional guidance from DOL on drug testing, we will share that with you.