
Reporting Icon

Tools to upload payroll, expenditure reports, enter youth outcomes, and run reports.


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​Step: Maintain timesheet records. Upload payroll into Illinois workNet SYEP Tools.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff            

Description: Export payroll template.

Update with youth hours and wages for the pay period.

Upload payroll into the system.

​Payroll and Expenditure Report Upload Instructions (PDF)

Payroll Troubleshooting Guide (PDF)

DCEO Youth Timesheet (Excel)

DHS CYEP Youth Wage Timesheet (Excel)

Step: Upload Expenditure Reports.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff

Description:  Upload expenditure reports with payroll.

Payroll and Expenditure Report Upload Instructions (PDF)

Payroll Troubleshooting Guide (PDF)

DCEO Expenditure Report Form (Excel) (PDF)
DHS CYEP Expenditure Documentation Form (Excel)
DCEO Supportive Services Document (Word)
DHS CYEP Supportive Service Form (Word)

Step: Enter outcomes for each youth.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff

Description: Enter youth outcomes into Illinois workNet SYEP Tools.

Youth Outcomes Entry Instructions (PDF)
Step: Run reports as needed.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff