Illinois Workforce Innovation Board

We provide businesses with sustainable, no-cost, low-cost strategies to recruit, hire, train, and retain a skilled workforce needed to thrive.

What is the IWIB?
The Illinois Workforce Innovation Board (IWIB) is Governor-appointed leaders from state, business, industry, labor, education, and community-based organizations with the goal of evaluating and meeting Illinois workforce needs.

IWIB oversees the Unified State Plan's development, implementation, and modification through convening relevant programs and required partners/stakeholders to provide oversight and strategic leadership for the state workforce development system.

Through structured committees and task forces, IWIB representatives from private/public partner programs offer policy recommendations to strengthen Illinois' workforce system. All policies developed or commented upon include input from partners and the general public.

The IWIB Strategic Planning Framework guides workforce, education, and economic development alignment throughout the State to ensure better outcomes for businesses and individuals. Outlined objectives and priority activities require IWIB's commitment to work alongside local-level counterpart members and supporters of Local Workforce Innovation Boards and partner agencies. IWIB proudly presents the strategic planning framework outlined in the “2020–2022 Strategic Plan” (PDF).

Access IWIB policies in Chapter 1 of the WIOA ePolicy Manual (only applicable Chapter).

IWIB Co-Chair

IWIB Co-Chair 
The IWIB is co-chaired by Andrew Warrington, CEO of UCC Environmental, and Kristin A. Richards, Director of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.



This serves as a public meeting notice. Logistics and materials are found in the event.

Resources and Tools

About Executive Order 2019-03
Governor Pritzker signed Executive Order 3 in January 2019 to strengthen the State of Illinois' commitment to workforce development and job creation, calling for recommendations to improve target growth industries and align workforce resources better to serve disenfranchised communities, both rural and urban. With input from partners, a draft report was prepared and shared for review and comment. The report is structured around 3 goals and 9 strategies described in the executive summary with the main themes: address the skills gap, strengthen the connection between employers and needed talent to stay and grow in Illinois, and boost business productivity throughout the state.
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Stakeholder Discussion