
August 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated the Services Report.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect services populating on career assessment. ​​​
  • Added ability for providers to upload lead data using a .csv template.
  • Fixed issue with Support Service Utilization Report, if it has a Wrap Around Service status of Evaluated/Not Required not appearing when a search by date range being conducted. 
  • Added when a career assessment is completed on the intake page and "Orientation Career Assessment" is selected for assessment type, then 4 transition services listed below populate under the Transition Services goal in the Career Plan: 
    • ​Assistance with completing an apprenticeshop program application
    • Career Information
    • Interview Prep
    • Resume Prep
July 2024
  • ​Database Updates.
  • Removed IL Works Services Report.
  • Updated the Supported Services Report
    • ​Hourly Rate column has been removed.
    • Evaluated Not Required status should appear when conducting a search by date range.​​​
  • ​Updated the Services report. 
  • Added a case notes button to services.
  • Fixed issue with program stipend not pulling showing correctly.
  • Fixed issue with the case note description not showing once the case note is saved.
June 2024
  • ​Database Updates.
  • Fixed issue with being able to remove items from Intake. 
  • Fixed issue with verification radio selections not being retained.​
  • Updated Services Report attendance for post-assessment scores. 
  • Fixed issue with Wrap Around Services duplicating. 
  • Fixed issue with credential flag being yellow when it should be green. 
  • Fixed issue with stipend rate and service description not pulling through once cost saved. 
  • Added ability for Super Admin role for wrap-around support services and the program stipend service costs to pull through to the student support utilization report. 
  • Added ability to record post-assessment information in the services attendance report. ​
May 2024
  • ​Database Updates.​
  • Updated Career Assessment to capture ranking to prioritize trades participants is in.
  • Fixed issue with hours entered on services report not carrying over to service. 
  • Fixed issue with County not populating on export list.
  • Fixed issue with case notes not saving on the program completion tab. 
  • ​Fixed issue with training services not poulating on Career Plan.
  • Fixed issue with ​the Edit Services to use on Career Planning not loading. 
  • Fixed issue when clicking a hyperlinked number on the IWRS Customer Services Report. ​
  • ​Fixed issue with text search on cohort information page. 
  • ​Fixed issue ​with program stipend goal ​not populating​ for select grantees.
  • Removed ability for a grantee to remove enrollment status. 
  • Added ability for Super Admin role to remove enrollment status. ​
  • Added loading icon to the Student Report and Post Assessment Report. 
  • ​Updated the Work Plan and Reports page with info bubble terms. 
  • Updated to allow decimal points for attendance hours. ​
  • Updated to lockdown Career Plan and Program completion tab once the information has been verified by a Super Admin. 
April 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Added ability for Super Admin role to be able to delete services for grantee details. 
  • Added ability for Super Admin role to be able to change the order of services that appear in a grantee's cohort on the grantee details tab. 
  • Added ability to add a date of completion when selecting a participant as complete on the program completion/follow-up tab. ​ 
  • Removed ability to send a Case Note to Illinois workNet team members. ​
  • Removed grantees from needing to to enter a case note repeatedly when selecting certain statuses. ​
  • Fixed issue with the Export when no filters for Cohorts were selected.
  • Fixed issue when adding a Training Service to a Cohort, the button is now loading all grantees to the Cohort Details screen. 
  • Fixed issue when adding a Training Service to a Cohort, the buttin is now pulling through all active services.
  • Fixed issue with slow loading times on the Participant Search page, to not load the table of participant/info until search criteria has been selected and searched. ​
  • Updated the Super Admin role to be able to have more control over what services appear in a grantee's cohort.
  • Updated the Customer Export to pull information from the application rather than the information tied to the account. 
  • Updated the Work Plan Report categories to enrollment/instruction dates, primary and secondary dates, and pull through verified enrollments, completions, and transitions. 
  • Updated the prescreen question from "Do you have a High School diploman or GED/HISET?" to "Do you have a High School Diploma or GED/HISET or are you applying for a high school-based program? ​
​March 2024
  • ​Database Updates.​
  • Updated the Service Report:
    • Removed the statuses for "Unsuccessful Completion" and "Evaluated/Not Required"
    • Updated the Filters/Results
      • If only Project is selected, display all IL Works services.
      • If the Project and Grantee are selected, display all of the IL Works services associated with that Grantee.
      • If the Project, Grantee, and Cohort are selected, display all IL Works services associated with that Grantee's Cohort.
  • ​Updated titles of Grantees on the Grantee details page.
  • Removed the ability for grantees to remove uploads for customers. 
  • Updated when Admin are adding IL Works services to be assigned the corrent IwN Category. ​​​
  • Updated the customer training services to pull through to the Step/Service dropdown list in the attendance/services report. 
  • ​Removed the required casenote ​after completing wrap-around services.
  • Added ability for Super Admin/Grantee to filter ​​the customer list by Cohort(s)​ and IwN ID. 
February 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Added radio buttons on the program complete tab for, "Construction Alternative Transition" and "Unverify Construction Alternative Transition".
  • Add upload to Intake requiring HS/GED to be uploaded
  • New attendance template for services
  • Attendace change - replace weekly with single total hour entry per module and roster upload
  • Student Support Service Utilization Report updates for Super Admins
  • Stipend Tracking goal and service now automatically populating on Career Plans for enrolled participants
  • Removed attendance requirements on non-training services
  • For Super Admin, updated template to more easily capture post-assessments and required attendance hours. 
  • Wrap Around Service Assessment updated:
    • Removed questions
    • Apprenticeship Application Fees
    • Mentoring
    • Alumni Networking
  • Added questions:
    • Digital Literacy
January 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Student Support Service Red Flag bug issue resolved
  • Updated the county field to show correctly on the customer export. 
  • When adding an Organization, added the ability to add repeated appointments. 
  • Updated the Case Note Export button to create a list of case notes for the customer. 
  • Updated Employment 101 to function properly. 
    • User can access Employment 101.
    • User can create a new Employment 101.  
December 2023
  • Database Updates.
November 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Added a Case Note Deletion Request Report for Grant Managers.
October 2023
  • Updated Customer pages with Created and/or Updated dates:
    • Updated the Application with Created date, Started date, and Submitted date. 
    • Updated Case Notes with Created date. 
    • Updated Customer Services / Career Plan with Updated date.
    • Updated Assessments with Created date. 
August 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated Observational Assessment: Entered on behalf of. 
  • Updated name of Service from "Support Service" to "Student Support Services".
  • Updated the post-assessment and attendance logic so that it is only looking at training.
  • Active Tracking Status issue updated - grantees were previously unable to add post program active tracking to customers 
  • Corrected green check mark displaying on Program Completion tab under Secondary Transition
July 2023
  • Overnight Synch updated
  • Database Updates
  • Updated the logic on the Overview page for the transition triggers:
    • Green symbolizes the participant is complete and in a transition status OR post-program active tracking and they have a transition service that is in a Successfully Complete or Unsuccessfully Complete status. 
    • Yellow symbolizes the participant is complete OR complete and in transition OR post-program active tracking status and their service has a Started/Open status.
    • Red symbolizes the participant is completed OR complete and in transition status OR post-program active tracking and they have no transition service added.
  • Updated text on wrap around service question
  • Updated export to more accurately pull in Enrollment Verifications
June 2023
  • Added the abillity to create an assessment without a name. 
  • Updated Completion Verifications to display on the Customer Export. 
  • Updated the Transcript Report to include the Credentials that are earned. 
  • Updated the Follow-Up date on the Customer Export to pull the most recent active tracking follow-up date or it one has been completed. 
  • Corrected bug for wrap around services red flag (i.e. if none are needed after completing wrap around services assessment, the flag will be green instead of red)
  • Corrected bug that prevented users from advnacing to customers' Intake tab
  • Created Transcript/Progress Report for customers
  • Updated Dashboard for Hot Lead results. 
  • Updated  the customer export and what is collected in the wrap-around service assessment column. 
  • Misc. data fixes
  • Database Updates
May 2023
  • Career Assessment updated
    • Added dropdown for options for type (Orientation Career Assessment and Pre-Transition Career Assessment)
    • Now visible on customer Intake page
  • Grantees must complete services prior to marking a customer as complete/complete in transition
  • Forced upload on the program completion/follow up screen for primary and secondary transition documents
  • Veteran Status options updated in application (None, Veteran, Active Military)
  • Added dates for missing Customer Status Date Range field
  • Removed Post-Porgram Active Tracking and Long Term Tracking from Program Completion/Follow-Up tab
  • Corrected misc. red flag issue
  • Removed extra attendance dates from misc. customers
  • Corrected export to include Student Support Service Flag details
  • Added language to identify correct date format for adding credentials
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Career Assessment. 
  • Updated pop up window for interview score. 
  • Added Student Support Services to show in the customer export. 
  • Updated the date format to mm/dd/yyyy when adding a credential to the system. 
  • Updated the Student Support Needs Report to match text under Reports icon.
  • Removed the percent sign on the Intake page from the pop-up window for interview score.
  • Updated to allow grantees to remove a completion status.
  • Updated to force upload on the program completion/follow up screen for primary and secondary transition documents.
  • Updated Veteran question on Application with the following options: None, Veteran, and Active Military.
  • Updated when using Safari, when you go to the Grantee Details tab, the information populates, and the filter button is responsive.
  • Wrap-Around Service Assessment and Export updated to include answers selected
  • Corrected issue of grantees being able to see and change verification statuses
April 2023
  • Updated Provider Info tab by linking the Actual Enrollment number to a customer list.
  • Updated to force upload on the earned credentials screen so it cannot be submitted without a verification document.
  • Updated goal status on Career Plans
  • Wrap-Around Service Goal for Transportation not populating has been corrected.
  • Updated text for adding credential (OSHA, first aid, NCCER, NABTU).
  • Updated attendance date change bug for services
  • Created a Supportive Service Utilization Report
  • Updated Verification statuses
  • Added a text change on Status tab for "Average weekly hours".
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Post-Assessments and Attendance Report
    • Added ability to filter by Cohort
    • Added Export button
March 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated to require attendance and post assessment thresholds for completing services. 
  • Updated nightly sync on Overview page to display correct updated date/time
  • Updated Enrollment Status field to show on Intake page
  • Updated Post Program Verification Statuses
  • Removed % sign from Interview Scores on Intake tab
  • New File Upload Categories
  • Updated Enrollment Status saving
  • Updated Post Program Active Tracking Information
  • Updated Customer export to display data in the correct columns
  • Updated Appeal Statuses
  • For Activities and Services, Completion Date field should not show unless in a completion or declined participation status is selected.
February 2023
  • Updated the Attendance tool to add a dropdown cohort for filter. 
  • Updated Cohort Tables in grantee services with the ability to remove services on cohort level.
  • Added Preliminary and Final Verification radio buttons for Super Admin and Program Staff
  • Updated export to include Preliminary and Final Verification statuses to the export
  • Student Support Services Report
    • Updated Attendance Flag column to read "Yes" or "No" and removed hyperlink
    • Updated Post-Assessments Flag column to read "Yes" or "No" and removed hyperlink
    • Corrected filters for "Any Flags" and "Post-Assessment Flags" selections 
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Email Us link to the HelpDesk
  • Preliminary/Final Verification buttons added for Super Admins
December 2022
  • Updated Work Plan Report to pull in completions
  • Updated Job Practicum - Attendance is no longer removed when changed to Successful Completion
  • Add Training Services button now only visible to IL Works Staff and Super Admins
  • Cohort Specific Details Updated - can now pull through start date, end date, and planned weekly hours for the service
November 2022
  • Corrected inability to save attendance from bulk tool
October 2022
  • Fix for export displaying all customers rather than selections from the dashboard
  • Updated mobile view 
  • Updated Bulk Attendance Tool   
  • Database Updates 
September 2022
  • Updated Attendance tool to filter by program, grantee, service activity, ability to mark as absent and add make-up session.
  • Corrected issue of a service's status resetting when attendance is updated
  • Attendance Report now available in Customer Support Center/IWIS
  • Report for attendance and post-assessment scores now available in Customer Support Center/IWIS
  • Updated Export column titles
  • Corrected bug of Assessment Date column on reporting page showing Not Submitted for all customers
  • Updated customer overview page and customer export titles for: Absences Flag now Attendance Flag; Credential Earned now Earned Credential
  • Hide red X's on primary/secondary transition screens
  • Corrected issue of Student Support Services Report not displaying results for filters
  • Misc. Training Support Services Updates/Flags
August 2022
  • Dashboard updated to correctly pull in NCCER credential counts
  • Grantees set as default provider for all custom training services
  • Corrected issue of Job Practicum service not having options for status dropdown
  • Updated informational error message when adding customers
  • Updated training program text for approving program/credentials
  • Updated training programs text - removed WIOA options/text
  • Updated terminology on work plan report for primary and secondary outcome transitions
  • Created report for attendance and post-assessment scores for all participants
  • Demographic and Contact Info for Application - added asterisks to required fields
July 2022
  • Complete & In Transition page updated with primary and secondary transition display and file upload
  • Follow up and tracking section added to dashboard
  • Changes on a service's overview/status page will update the dates on the attendance tab
  • Updated list of category types for File Uploads
  • Able to make changes to previously entered prescreening information
  • Add Recruitment button text change to Add Participant
  • Misc. Student Support Service Needs report enhancements
  • Misc. Dashboard updates
  • Misc. Export updates
  • Corrected issue of partners unable to save/add credentials
June 2022
  • Enrollment status of Administrative Withdrawal was added on the Program Completion/Follow-Up page.
  • Re-enrollment added as a status to the Enrollment window options.
  • Training/Services tab should be showing for all enrolled profiles now.
  • Career plan is not accessible unless the customer is marked as enrolled.
  • Work Plan update:
    • Complete and Complete and In Transition not showing up.
    • More accurate numbers being pulled through based on completion status.
  • Flags on overview page updated for Post-Assessment and Transition services.
May 2022
  • Updated program completion and follow-up flow.
  • Updated Work Plan Report to include more accurate numbers.
  • Miscellaneous account issues.
April 2022
  • Updated pre-screening application so end employment date is no longer required.
  • Custom services names showing in the career plan overview.
  • Updated overview page:
    • Attendance and Credentials links now link to Training/Services
    • Flags displaying correctly for Absences, Post-Assessments, Training Status
    • View/Edit buttons leading to error message
  • Updated weekly attendance bug time selection.
  • Application Summary was updated so "Return to Work History" link no longer leads to error page.
  • Misc. export enhancements.
  • Added link to Intake page to access inquiry information.

March 2022

  • Released Work Plan.
  • Released Student Support Service Report.
  • Updated Training/Services plan to prepopulate services.
  • Updated Wrap Around Services Assessment.
  • Updated customer profile to display last four SSN.
  • Updated grantee details to add NABTU Certification as a checklist item
  • Updated button text in grantee details
  • Remove requirement to include the customer's Social Security Number.
  • Extended the hours available in the attendance tool.
  • Add demographic information to the recruitment screen.

February 2022

  • Updated Inquery to relate to the proper provider.
January 18, 2022
  • Illinois Works Reporting System Launched