Develop Workplace Skills During Training
Partner Initiated Assessment
Purpose: Training providers use this tool to give customers feedback about their workplace skills using a similar approach as an employer. This assessment was developed for use in a program where a person’s skills are observed multiple times in different situations over a course of time (6-week minimum is recommended). This ensures that a skill set is habitual rather than a temporary performance.
Review the Observational Evaluation Rubric for 16 skills that cover 5 basic sections: Fundamentals, Work Ethic / Character, Problem Solving, Interpersonal, and Computer.
Customers practice these skills during their training just as they would at their job.
The training provider completes the Observational Assessment within the Illinois workNet portal. (< 5 min/customer)
Successfully completing the Observational Assessment is defined as:
“YES” in all fundamentals.
“Meets Standard” or “Exceeds Standard” in Work Ethic / Character, Problem Solving, Interpersonal and Computer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Scores are not averaged. Each skill has its own cut score of either “Yes” or “Meets Standard.”
The provider and customer review the results and discuss examples where the customer excels and how to further develop his or her skills.
Access to the Assessment and Results:
Customers do not complete this assessment, but they can access saved results through their My Dashboard. All saved results stay with the customer's account.
Approved providers will able to complete the assessment and view previously saved results through specific program tools.