Assessment - Observational Evaluation

Observational Evaluation

Training & Credentials Develop Workplace Skills During Training 
Partner Initiated Partner Initiated Assessment

Purpose: Training providers use this tool to give customers feedback about their workplace skills using a similar approach as an employer. This assessment was developed for use in a program where a person’s skills are observed multiple times in different situations over a course of time (6-week minimum is recommended). This ensures that a skill set is habitual rather than a temporary performance.


  • Review the Observational Evaluation Rubric for 16 skills that cover 5 basic sections:  Fundamentals, Work Ethic / Character, Problem Solving, Interpersonal, and Computer.  

  • Customers practice these skills during their training just as they would at their job. 

  • The training provider completes the Observational Assessment within the Illinois workNet portal. (< 5 min/customer)


  • Successfully completing the Observational Assessment is defined as:

    • “YES” in all fundamentals.

    • “Meets Standard” or “Exceeds Standard” in Work Ethic / Character, Problem Solving, Interpersonal and Computer.

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Scores are not averaged. Each skill has its own cut score of either “Yes” or “Meets Standard.”

  • The provider and customer review the results and discuss examples where the customer excels and how to further develop his or her skills.

Access to the Assessment and Results:

  • Customers do not complete this assessment, but they can access saved results through their My Dashboard. All saved results stay with the customer's account.

  • Approved providers will able to complete the assessment and view previously saved results through specific program tools.


Partner InitiatedPartner Initiated Assessment

Observational Evaluation
