Assessment Updates


Jun 2024
  • ​Four new assessments were added to the Skills and Interests Surveys for Illinois workNet partners and users.
    • ​CCI Quick Pic - Uses images to help users find career clusters that match their interests.​​
    • Entrepreneurial Assessment - Allows users to see if self-employment would be a good fit for them. 
    • Occupation Sort - Creates a list of careers based on factors important to the user. 
    • Workplace Employability Skills - Allows users to evaluate their employability skills.​
Feb 2021
  • New Skills and Interests Surveys resources were made available.
    • Reality Check Survey - Provides a list of occupations, training/education needed, and salary earned in the city/region of your interest.
    • Learning Styles Survey - Provides scores for three learning styles: auditory, tactile, and visual.