Climate Works Partner Tool Updates

August 8, 2024​
  • Updated the case note tool.​​
  • ​Updated the training template to default to have 70% in pass rate field. ​
  • Updated the CEJA Reporting System Participant Summary Tools section. 
  • ​Added prescreening option for Contract Incubator as an option for Navigators. 
  • Added a feature to the grantee details page to indicate yes/no to accepting applications. 
  • Fixed issue with selecting a program and then filtering by grantee no longer having to refresh the page. 
  • Fixed issue with the dashboard prescreening line populating with inquiries prior to completion. 
  • Fixed error to no longer appear after taking the CSC Self Evaluation and click Return to the Customer Profile. ​​
​July 25, 2024
  • Updated instruction links on the following tabs:
    • Progress
    • Intake
    • Career Plan
    • Referral
    • Program Completion/Follow-up​ 
  • ​Added a Search By field on the ​Customer information. 
  • Added an Outreach tab to the Partner Engagement section.​
  • Added and updated to default to Requires Funds for completing intake. ​
  • Updated to include uploaded customers in the Advanced Search results.  ​
  • Updated the Case Note tool to include the option to send an email/message to one or more of the partner accounts associated with the Climate Works or Workforce Network Hubs. 
July 11, 2024
  • Database Updates.​​
  • Fixed issue with the Dashboard not populating data correctly. 
  • Fixed issue with ​error message on the on the Progress tab when selecting assessment summary.​
  • ​​​Fixed issue with Prescreening field not displaying and not interested in participating result not saving. 
June 27, 2024
  • Updated eligibility age question to trigger after application.
  • Updated Career Assessment and Summary page:
    • Updated "primary goal" text to "career goal".
    • Updated the list the dropdown lists for the goals.
    • Updated the checkbox list.​
  • Added additional filters to the Advanced search for the customer list:
    • EJC / R3
    • Other Eligibility situations
  • ​​Added two questions to the application prescreening:
    • Have you have prior involvement in the criminal legal system? (info bubble)
    • Do you have other barriers to employment? (info bubble)
June 14, 2024
  • Databse Updates.​
  • ​Updated the Progress page:
    • Updated Credential information to populate.
    • Updated Referral information for Literacy Assistance.
    • Updated Referral information for Disability Accomodation.​
  • ​Updated credential information to populate on the completion/follow-up page.​
  • Updated the dashboard to include the following lines:
    • Yellow for customers who have not earned a credentials.
    • Green for customers who have earned OSHA 10-Hour certification.
    • Green for customers who have earned First Aid/CPR certification.
    • Green for customers who have earned NCCER Core certification.
    • Green for customers who have earned TradesFutures MC3 certification. 
    • White for customers who have earned Other certification/certificate.
    • White for total customers who have earned any certificate (unduplicated). 
    • Removed: Customers who are in training services and do not have a credential entered in the system.
    • Removed: Customers who earned an Industry-Linked Credential, Certification, or License.
  • Added program filter to CEJA Dashboard and Partner Engagement & Management Tools. 
  • Updated when adding a customer to no longer require program before prescreening.
  • Text Updates:
    • ​On the Intake form, Updated "requires barrier reduction funds for completing intake" to "requires funds for completing intake".
    • Updated the food question to match the text in the service needs assessment. 
May 30, 2024
  • ​Added Workforce Hub to prescreening. 
  • ​Removed the search section from the reports tab. 
  • ​​Added text update on the Service Needs Assessment. 
  • ​Fixed issue with error message on the Program Completion tab. 
  • Added Workforce Hubs to CEJA Customer list filters and Add/Upload Customer process. 
  • Updated application to check for workforce hubs if applying for Workforce Hubs program. 
  • Expanded CEJA Navigators to allow them to enter an application and complete the assessments on the intake page. ​​​
May 20, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • ​Updated Prescreen text. 
  • Fixed issue with follow up case note not saving.
  • Fixed error message taking place for Participant Summary Tools link. 
  • Added MOU status in the Partner Engagement and Management section.
May 3, 2024
  • Added "CEJA Climate Works" as an option for Program Type for Success Stories.
  • Updated the Program Completion tab:
    • When Apprenticeship is selected, added question, "Is this a DOL Registered Apprenticeship program?". 
      • If Y is selected display textbox for "RAPIDS ID",
    • When Other Training is selected updated the following question to, "Is this training in "Clean Energy or Construction/Building Trades?"
      • If No is selected, display a text box for "Other Industry". 
    • Created a 4th dropdown titles, "Opened Small Business"
      • When selected it includes, "Are you Employed in Construction".
    • Added to the bottom of the Employer Follow-Up Section:
      • Received a Raise or Promotion?
      • Do They Receive Fringe Benefits?
    • Added to Post-Secondary follow-up section:
      • Are you or were you in paid work experience during your time at the post-secondary institution? 
        • Received a Raise or Promotion?
        • Do They Receive Fringe Benefits?
    • Added to Apprenticeship Follow-Up section:
      • Hourly Wage Paid
      • Job Duties
      • Hours Per Week
      • Received a Raise or Promotion
      • Do They Receive Fringe Benefits?
​​April 19, 2024
  • ​​Fixed issue with have duplicate types in the dropdown list when adding a customer. ​
  • Added Post-Assessment flags for the following:   
    • Green flag - 70% or higher score
    • Yellow flag - no assessment added yet
    • Red flag - assessment added but below 70%​
    • Add three new questions to current assessment:
      • Primary Goal
      • Secondary Goal
      • If career goals are related to construction is there a specific trade(s) you're interesting in pursuing? 
    April 4, 2024
    • ​​Database Updates.
    • Fixed issue with prescreening, "prefer not to answer" will now wipe out all other selections. 
    • Added ability for Navigators and Career Planners to ​access prescreening information. 
    • Fixed issue with the Progress page, will now show the correct status for service needs assessment. ​
    ​March 21, 2024
    • ​​Updated the Program Assessment Summary.
    • Upated the eligibility check on the customer application.
    • Fixed the issue with three filters (Not Enrolled, Exited no follow-up, and Exited with follow-up) on the Customer list page to work properly. 
    • ​​Fixed the issue with customers who have completed an application. Once it is completed, they will move from the completed line to either the green completed line or the gray completed application and not eligible/not interested line. 
    • ​Fixed the issue when editting an item from the cost list, the subtype populates/saves.
    March 7, 2024
    • ​Database Updates. 
    • Added Reports to the Report tab. ​​
    • Updated the text on the Application Conscent. 
    • Updated the text on the Cost List and Referral List. 
    • Updated the information bubble text on the Progress page. 
    • ​Updated to not allow Career Plan Start dates ​be prior to the Application date.
    • Updated error for Extied status on program completion tab
    February 22, 2024
    • Database Updates.
    • Updated the Service Needs Assessment:
      • Added a comment box at the bottom of the main sections.
      • Moved the diploma question to the Other Support Service section. 
    • ​Added a Credentials section to the Dashboard. 
    • ​Added Customer Progress/Status to the Overview page. 
    • Updated the ability to enter the required Post-Assessment score to a Service. 
    • Updated the Referral tool to align with Service Needs Assessment. 
    February 8, 2024
    • Added a Services section to the Dashboard. 
    • ​Updated the prescreening tool. 
    • Added ability to submit a Help Request.
    • Updated the Cost Estimate checkbox to save and allow for $0 for individual payment cost. 
    ​January 25, 2024
    • Grantee Groups created
    • Update prepopulating career plan with required services
    • Updated Service Templates
    • Career Assessment Updates
    • Application Updates
    • Customer Export Updated
    • Service Needs Assessment text updates
    • Bugs resolved:
      • Customer Completion Status pulling incorrect statuses
      • Navigator screen - customer status not populating for the Navgiator
      • Referral - Status mistmatch
      • Dashboard - Application
      • Tabs not consistent across sections
      • Not able to save changes to service in career plan