ISETS Updates

Updates & Releases
June ​27, 2024​
  • ​Updated PPR to track credentials properly. 
  • Updated Customer's SNAP eligibilty status to new status of N/A if:
    • Customers have no program enrollments.
    • Customers with an E&T status of Never Active, Not Enrolled, IES Matched, or Initial Assessment Complete. 
  • Added a customer log to display all actions taken on a customer profile. ​
  • ​Updated Agency and DHS office to display in the customer list the same way they are shown on the referral list. ​
  • Added a Dashboard row for Work Dev to verify customers with a potential loss of eligibility.​
  • Updated customers with VT for 6, 9, and 12 months from the staffing month to require a 4334.​
  • Automated the Integrated Resource Team Member list for the Super Admin role to choose from.
  • Updated Snapshot view counts so they match List view counts on the Dashboard.  ​​
  • Updated Customer match modal to display SSN Not on File if the customer does not have an SSN in the IES data. 

June 14, 2024
  • Added tracking for level of progress. 
  • ​​Updated input for S2S contract amounts. 
  • Added a log of all actions taken on a customer profile.
  • Corrected issue with Contract Information not working. 
  • Updated Customer SNAP eligibility status to new status of N/A.
  • Updated adding employment to a participant who does not have an active SNAP E&T activity.
  • Fixed issue with IES match to existing ISETS accounts not pulling information forward. ​
  • Added categories from WAG to S2S financial report. ​
  • Updated ability to removed a participant from a provider when a referral is rejected. 
  • Updated data to eliminate customer with an enrollment date who were not enrolled. 
  • ​Updated ability for Provider Managers, Work Dev, and Super Admin to change SNAP eligibility status on the Overview tab. 

May 30, 2024
  • ​Added new ISETS PPR Report.
  • Add FY24 trigger to not allow Earnfare from entering more than "allowed hours". 
  • Updated Support Services on the dashboard to only display pending service amendements and overrides.
  • Updated to allow other than just 50% matches on S2S contracts.

May 17, 2024
  • Updated Global messaging.​
  • Updated EP forms and tracking. 
  • Updated Dashboard Highcharts.
  • Added Date Completed to Assessments. ​
  • Updated Reports to have a 25, 50, 100 customers per page. ​
  • Added the SSN back to the Sync process with IES sync session. 
  • Fixed the No Contact button on the referral. ​
  • Updated the Amendements for the Billing team. 
  • Updated the trigger for Needs Assessment to complete.​
May 2, 2024
  • ​Updated the Partner referral acceptance process.
  • Removed Enrollment dates​ from customers who were never enrolled.
  • Added action date to status history update for manual entries.
  • Added midpoint date search filter to customer list.
  • Added paid lunch check box on weekly attendance modal.
  • Updated customer SNAP eligibility status if eligibility is lost after staffing.
April 19, 2024
  • Updated the reports in the Staffing and Billing module to be downloadable. 
  • Added a note on the 4333 Report for when a 4334 needs to be completed for customers who have been in the program at 6, 9, and 12 months. 
  • Added an automatic case note when Work Dev sends a Referral to an agency for a participant. 
  • Updated ability to close out TJ after CW is closed. 
  • ​​Updated ability to not change the SSN on the customer initial assessment if matched on IES. 
  • ​​Corrected error when clicking, Start Needs Assessment. 
  • Removed the ability to send a Case Note to the Illinois workNet team. 
  • ​Added the Midpoint Date to the Customer Overview page.
  • Updated the Dashboard:
    • ​Added services needing Amendment section to the Support Services section. 
    • Added Midpoint Date Section To The Referrals And Redetermination Dashboard List View.​
April 4, 2024
  • ​Updated the Quarterly Interest form. 
  • ​Fixed the Case Note Deletion Report to yield results. 
  • Added a column for Enrollment Date to the Customer list. ​​
  • Updated on the Outcomes tab, changed the word Activities to Steps in the purple box.​
  • Updated the IEP/Case Management > Review Assessment > ISETS Universal Assessment section: 
    • ​Removed the notification, “Email sent to customer” 
    • Removed “AND RECOMMENDATIONS” from the tab label. 
    • Updated the tab to default to open on this section. ​
  • ​​​Updated when a customer has been exited b​ut returns within 45-days, the existing assessment may be updated instead of adding a new assessment. ​
  • ​​​Updated Work Dev access:
    • To only see providers recommended who have a current FY contract. Those partners without a current contract should not display at all. 
    • ​To have the same permissions as a Provider Manager to add customers not in IES sync.

March 21, 2024
  • Updated the Amended Billing process. 
  • Updated the Customer export on the Dashboard. 
  • ​Added an Employed and Verified section to the Dashboard. 
  • Updated the Assessment Updates Needed section on the Dashboard. 
  • Added an Advanced Search filter to the Customer list on the Dashboard. 
  • ​Updated the Assessment Updates Needed section on the Dashboard:
    • Not Complete - 9 to 12 Months Have Elapsed - Yellow color
    • Not Complete - Over 12 months Have Elapsed - Red Color
    • Complete - Green Color​
  • Updated all names to a standardized text so all names are in a consistent first letter capitalized name pattern. ​​
  • Added a trigger when adding employment to a customer and the average weekly hours is 20 or more, to remind the user to add JR - Job Retention. 
  • On the Overview tab, updated the Outcomes action items in the Completed/Exited section. ​
  • Updated that the user w​​ill see a notification on the customer forms page for when customer reaches the 6th, 9th, and 12th month after enrollment that a 4334 is required.​
March 8, 2024
  • Updated the Staffing and Billing Tools Report:
    • Updated the check boxes to allow partners to mark their 4333 and SSS as complete.
    • Updated to display who has submitted each portion of the report. 
    • Added Employment Report to Provider/Manager tasks in box 2.  
  • Updated the order in which the reports are displayed on the Reports tab. 
  • Added "Other" as a type of household monthly income on the application. 
  • Added ability to save the rows on the 2606 Report - they auto save with the date when the 2606 report is completed.
  • Updated the Dashboard:
    • Updated Wage Ranges for Employed/Retention Services. 
    • Updated Retention Services duration by providing clickable numbers for date ranges.  
February 23, 2024
  • Updated Last Case Note added:
    • Added No Case Note to the "No Activity in 2 weeks" on the activity portion of the dashboard.
    • Added a line on the Overview page for Status for Last Case Note added.
      • Added color scheme for Last Case Note added on the Overview page:
        • Green would be 14 days or less.
        • Yellow would be 15-21 days.
        • Red would be 22 or more days. 
  • Updated if you are enrolling customers in on-the-job training, it now gives you a place to put it in the Worksite placement.  
  • Updated the referral table to show the parent now indicates something has been accepted. The parent record is the 1 or 2 and the child record is 1.2 or 2.2.
  • Updated on the Overview tab, in the Attendance section, to be able to select your agency and activity, and be taken directly to the activity's attendance page. 
  • Added the initial and needs assessments on the Overview tab of the customer’s Career Plan.  
  • Updated Intermediaries to have access to:
    • The sub-grantee "Staffing Complete" on the 4333.
    • "Approved by Billing" on the sub-grantee SSS report.
    • Verify employment on sub-grantee employment verification documents.
  • Added a multi-select filter for "Month" on the dashboard.
February 9, 2024
  • Added Fiscal Year to the S2S Administrative Report. 
  • Updated the Intermediary Report. 
  • Updated Provider Managers to be able to access the "Add Audit" button the Provider information page.
  • Updated the 2606 and 2610 reports to save who and the date signed on the form. 
  • Updated to have auto status updates when certain actions take place on a customer profile.
  • Updated ability to close out CW and TJ independently of each other.  
  • Updated ability to filter the Customer list by selecting a Provider from the Search filters and have a customer list returned for the provider chosen. 
  • Updated if Status is clicked before Planned Start Date, the Status will revert to Planned/Not Started.
  • Updated on the Staffing and Billing Report, when an agency is selected, it will auto populate the programs for the current fiscal year.   
  • Updated ability to sort by last name on the 4333 and the Employment Report.  
January 25, 2024
  • S2S Financial Report - fixed 50% match calculation to display cents properly
  • Earnfare Administrative Report - fixed December year display
  • Launched Intermediary Support Services Summary
  • Launched Intermediary 4333
  • Added DHS staff signature on 4334
  • Added County, Re-cert Date, ABAWD to customer list
  • Added advanced filters to customer list
  • Corrected information that was not populating from IES to customer intake applications
  • Added county of residence to customer left menu
  • Added Enrollment date to customer left menu
  • Relaxed search parameters on customer list for dually enrolled customers
  • Added details of customer name, IwN id and program to outbound emailed case notes.
  • Changed region to county on ISETS dashboard filters
  • Changed buttons from Send/Receive Referrals to Send Referrals

January 12, 2024
  • When creating an Organization, added the ability to add repeated agency appointments. 
  • Update the Case Note Export button to create a list of case note for a customer. 
  • Updated Employment 101 to function properly. 
    • User can access Employment 101.
    • User can create a new Employment 101. 
  • Updated the calendar date on the Overview page. 
  • Updated the Dashboard Customer query load time. 
  • Updated the Dashboard to only show customer lists by Provider. 
  • Updated the Billing button to stay checked on the SSS report when marked. 
  • Updated the consent link for enrollment. 
  • On the S2S report, updated the ability to enter amount paid and manually enter the fields where there was a 50% match if any.
  • Updated on the Overview page, on the 4333 column "Last Referral Date Current E&T" to show the most recent status. 
  • Updated all reports to have a "Include FCRC's" check box. 
  • Updated the "Did you graduate High School" question to "Did you earn a High School Diploma or GED" on the ISETS application. 
  • Updated the ability to to enroll a participant with more than one provider. 
    • Updated the ability to have Support Services and Activities reported by agency.

December 22, 2023
  • Updated customers to show in the Reverse Referral section of the Dashboard. 
  • Updated Soc Code and Industry to save on New Employment in Outcomes section. 
  • Updated the inability to enroll a customer unless a referral has been approved and accepted. 

December 8, 2023
  • Added ability for Super Admin to edit DOB and SSN.
  • Added County of Residence to the Customer export.
  • Updated customers to no longr show on the 4333 after being exited.
  • Updated the Case Number and Individual ID to show correctly on the partial name search.
  • Added a new Earnfar wage table for annual increase to minimum wage on January 1st annually. 

November 27, 2023
  • Updated the text (directions) for partial search. 
  • Updated Training & Education section of Dashboard.
  • Added a Super Admin & Provider Manager Staffing Report.
  • Updated the Benefit Summary (4333) Report, Supportive Services Summary (SSS), Earnfare Referral and Attendance Summary (2606), and Employment Report to have multi-select fields for Provider, Program, and Staffing Month.

November 10, 2023 
  • Updated the Dashboard:
    • Updated the Assessed and Employed section of the Dashboard. 
    • Updated the Enrolled & Active section by adding a new row titled, "Active (enrolled) customers without a SNAP E&T Activity.
  • Added a Case Note Deletion Request Report for Grant Managers. 
  • Updated the Overview tab Attendance section to show current activity. 
  • Added the ability to search for a partial name when searching for an IES customer. 
  • Updated the 2610 to report hours appropriately in the 2610 column on the 4333 report.  
  • Updated Support Service Overrides to not get added to the total until the request has been approved. 
  • Updated Support Services to be sorted by SJP or S2S to show on the 4333 if a customer has more than one contract so the benefit does not show on both. 

October 27, 2023
  • Added the ability to delete a case note.
  • Updated Activities section on the Dashboard:
    • Active is defined by the status in the E&T status of Active on the Overview status section.
    • Inactive is defined by the status in the E&T status of Inactive on the Overview status section.
  • Updated to allow all users to update Employment Verification status. 
  • Updated wording when editing a contract from "Recruited Participants Goal (Number of people recruited to the program)" to "Referred Participants Goal (Number of people referred to the program)".
  • Updated the Referral section on the Dashboard graph to include reverse referrals and DHS referrals.
  • Removed Earnfare Billing Summary and Earnfare Billing Acknowledgement Letter from the Approve Billing Packet column on the Staffing and Billing Report.  

October 13, 2023
  • Updated the Dashboard:
    • Updated Activity section. 
    • Updated Referrals and Redetermination section. 
  • Added a new Intermediary Billing Report. 
  • Updated Customer pages with Created and/or Updated dates:
    • Updated the Application with Created date, Started date, and Submitted date.
    • Updated Case Notes with Created date. 
    • Updated Customer Services / Career Plan with Updated date.
    • Updated Assessments with Created date. 
  • Updated the import file for customer records that have a 0 in the SSN field. 
  • Updated Snap2Success report when trying to add a new report for a month that had a report in th previous FY.  

September 29, 2023
  • Updated ISTEP Services to filter correctly.
  • Updated the 2606 Summary Report to match the 2606D.
  • Updated the Assessed and Employment Plan section of the Dashboard.  
  • Updated to add a grand total to the top of the Earnfare 2606 Summary. 
  • Updatd on the 2606 Summary report, the month in Earnfare should be for current FY only. 
  • Updated the ability for Super Admin to have the ability to change Service Costs on months that have been approved by billing.  

September 15, 2023
  • Updated Resume tab to Skills First.
  • Updated the 2606 report to pull hours correctly.  
  • Updated the 2606 "D" Form column heading on the Earnfare Referral and Attendance (2606) Summary. 
  • Added text on Search IES Customer to include "IES sync occurs on the 6th and 21st of each month". 
  • Updated column headers on Case Notes > Provider Information. 
  • Removed End date on Support Services. 
  • Updated the Dashboard: Fix for Referrals and Redetermination 
    • Pending Response from Provider 
    • Responded to by Provider 

September 1, 2023     
  • Updated the the Referrals and Redetermination links on the Dashboard.  
  • Updated to hide Earnfare on Support Services.
  • Updated to fix the Staffing & Billing Report to allow provider managers to complete their portion of this report. 
  • Updated for a case note to be required after the Staffing Complete button is marked only if the 4334 is required. 
  • Updated Super Admins to be the only individuals that can adjust contract dollar amounts.  
  • Updated to display opened Support Services to show on the Overview tab and Support Summary Tab. 
  • Updated 4333 report so Providers with more than 10 participants, you are able to complete the Staffing for the 2nd or further pages and when complete, user should remain on the page where the customer is.  

August 18, 2023
  • Updated the Quarterly Interest Report:
    • Added a Fiscal Year field
    • Added a View and Print option
  • Fixed the 2606D Report to no longer show the hours in Section IV doubled. 
  • Updated the Billing & Staftting Report to show that staffing has been completed.
  • Disabled the Earnfare benefit amount from the weekly sync that we receive from IES. 
  • Updated Employment Report to only show the customers that are employed this fiscal year. 
  • Updated on the Overview tab and Intake/Referral tab to show the word "Update" 10 months after the initial assessment was completed. 
  • Updated Super Admin role with the ability to change the last 4 digits SSN and date of birth for customer to ensure any erros match IES. 
  • Updated the Customer List page, when "Search IES Customer" does not yield a match, a message will direct you to check with your Provider Manager. 

August 4, 2023
  • Updated Observational Assessment: Added entered on behalf of.
  • Removed the "Remove" button on Contract and Training programs. 
  • Updated the 2606 Report to only show customers with active Snap E&T activities (CW/TJ) and correct hours for each activity.  
  • Updated Attendance clock: Added a 24-hour clock to enter overnight shift hours. 
  • Removed 4333 Report error when click on a customer's name. 

July 21, 2023
  • Updated when adding a Referral: Now matches against the zip code for home address and location.  No longer matching by street address. This will just change moving forward, not current customers.
  • Fixed the activities not showing for Earnfare provider. 
  • Updated if E&T status, SNAP Eligibility, and Benefit Amount is changed on the Overview tab, all the items are separated and will only update individually. 
  • Fixed the 2606 and 2610 report to ensure Attendance is reporting properly. 
  • The group attendance feature is working properly for customers now. 
  • Add a new Snap 2 Success Financial Report. 

July 7, 2023
  • Updated Earnfare hours on the 2606 Report.
  • Updated Quarterly Interest Report Link and updated the FY Date. 
  • Updated Export button for Case Notes.
  • Updated CW and TJ tracking on the Overview page. 
  • Added Quarterly Interest Form.
  • Updated Education information to save when saving an Assessment.
  • Updated that a customer must have an active Activity for a Support Service to be added.

June 23, 2023
  • Cannot create an Assessment without a name. 
  • Removed "Required" field for Primary Caregiver on the Application. 
  • Removed the ability to post date Completion dates. 
  • Updated to Reset Subsidized days to ZERO for all CW or TJU on July 1, of new fiscal year.
  • Updated Earnfare Quarterly Interest Reporting Summary.
  • Updated Completed activity dates cannot be changed. 
  • Updated the Overview tab, under Activities, to replace the column name "Latest Planned Due Date" to "Completion Date". 
  • Updated Earnfare Referral Report
    • Added a new column for CW required.
    • Updated to pull by month of the calendar. (If a week is part one month and part of another, only the month reporting comes into the report.)
    • Added Month/Year to the printed report. 
  • Updated to disable the Add Employment button until:
    • The customer is not enrolled (Program Enrollment on Overview left menu) in a Program.
    • The customer does not have an active SNAP E&T Activity.
    • Updated to display a button labeled "Intake/Referral" and display the message, "Customer must be enrolled and have a SNAP E&T Activity before Employment may be added" until both conditions are met. 
    • Updated when both conditions are met, the "Intake/Referral" button and the message will be hidden.

June 12, 2023
  • Updated Search IES function to continue into ISETS search. 
  • Updated CW and TJ to track correctly if someone changes jobs.
  • Updated the dollar value of service to be set for 7/1. 
  • Updated the 2610 report to pull from activities that are opened and closed in the same month.  
May 26, 2023
  • Updated so the distance on the program option and referral to the agency distances match. 
  • Updated Customer List Customer column sorting at the top click.
  • Updated Referrals
    • The Provider agency to whom the referral is sent should show in the Primary Provider location.
    • The Partner agency should show in the customer list not the DHS location.
May 9, 2023
  • Updated so anywhere Support Service totals are calculated they track for fiscal year July 1 to June 30. 
May 2, 2023
  • Updated the link for the Career Plan instructions for ISETS. 
  • Added maximums to Support Services that do not have them. 
April 13, 2023
  • Updated ability to add case note on employment section of overview. 
April 11, 2023
  • Updated the Customer List Export
    • Added SNAP Eligibility Status field 
    • Added Program Enrollment field
    • Added DHS Office field
    • Added Referral Status field
April 4, 2023
  • Updated Earnfare Referral and Attendance (2606) Summary
  • Updated Earnfare Administrative Expenses Certification
  • Updated Earnfare Admiistrative Expenses Certification
  • Updated form #2151 to form #5179
    • Added a second column to separate first and last name.
  • Updated filter on #4333 Report
  • Updated #4333 Report to allow for inactive customers. 
March 30, 2023
  • For Activities and Services, Completion Date field should not show unless in a completion or declined participation status is selected.
  • Updated Abbreviations and Statuses for Activities and Services.
March 28, 2023
  • Updated Staffing Report
    • Updated to not allow future months to be selected.
  • Updated to make all ISETS modals scrollable on smaller monitors and larger zoom levels. 
March 21, 2023
  • Updated the Search IES Customer process to correctly handle IES customers without an Email on their IES record.
March 15, 2023
  • Updated Employment - Warning Message for more than one open/active employment record. 
March 13, 2023
  • Updated Support Services Summary Report.
March 7, 2023
  • Updated IES Validation 
    • Updated validation for customers with spaces in their first/last name.
    • Updated creation of No ISETS Email address for customers with spaces in their first/last name. 
    • Updated creation of passwords and usernames for customers with spaces in their first/last name.
  • Updated policy - cannot have JRS without another open/started activity.
  • Updated to allow program staff to delete an override. 
  • Updated Case Notes Writing Rubric links. 
March 2, 2023
  • Updated to return user to the to the Support Summary Report when Support Services in the 4333 is clicked.
February 28, 2023
  • Updated referral form number from 2151 to 4970.
  • Updated to remove all costs not associated with support services.
  • Updated the 4333 report to pull in service cost amounts for support services. 
  • Updated "Return to Personal Information for Update" link on completed Assessment.
  • Updated to show approved overrides in Red on the support summary monthly report.
February 23, 2023
  • Updated email space on assessment.
  • Updated to allow for "and" in names for Reports.
  • Updated Employment Warning Message for more than one open/active employment record.
February 16, 2023
  • Added an Override button on Services approaching their limits.
  • Added a printable version of the IEP form.
February 10, 2023
  • Added ability to add a casenote on Employment Verification
  • Updated Customer Export
    • Added DHS Recert Date
    • Added SNAP Amount
February 9, 2023
  • Updated the links on the left side of the Overview page
    • Updated Link to Instructions to go to the Partner Page Full List of Resources. 
    • Removed Change in Activity link.
    • Removed Case File Organizer Sheets link 
  • Updated the Overview page 
    • Added Benefit Amount - Modified By and Modified Date fields. 
  • Updated the Social Security number to the last four digits on the ISETS Application. 
  • Updated the 4333 Report to longer pull people that started in January into the December report. 
February 8, 2023
  • Added a Download Performance Improvement Plan Form (Word) link to the Audit section on the Provider information. 
February 3, 2023
  • Updated when a Reverse Referral is marked as Rejected, the SNAP/E&T Eligible column will now display "No".
  • Updated On Reverse Referrals, the Super Admin user accounts will now be able to mark the Receives SNAP and Eligible for E&T Services radio buttons at any point in time.
  • Updated customers not showing on 4333 for January.

February 1, 2023
  • Added current month to the 2606 report.
January 27, 2023
  • Updated ability to edit customer information
    • Added ability to update customer address.
    • Added ability to update customer phone number.
    • Added ability to updated customer email address.
    • Added requirement for a casenote to email to the person in the provider manager group who is also in the agency group with an email.
  • Updated lunch hours on attendance
  • Updated the Employment Date on the Employment Report
January 25, 2023
  • Updated the 4333 report
    • IDHS Verification options are SNAP E&T Eligible and Not SNAP E&T Eligible.
  • Updated the FY selection on the 2606 report.
  • Updated Initial and Needs assessment.
January 18, 2023
  • Updated the 2606 report
    • Updated the State Minimum  wage logic.
      • Payroll for 1-1-22 to 12-31-22 to $12 and from 1-1-23 to 12-31-23 to $13 for wages and reports.
      • Updated the Overview and Summary Tools pages.
    • Updated the words "reassigned" to "remain assigned".
    • Updated the words "please explain the reassignment" to "please explain why".
    • Updated the Planned Transitional Job Hours not displaying as 35.
January 12, 2023
  • Updated the 2606 report. 
January 10, 2023
  • Updated Support Services to be able to add a service dollar value of cost.
  • Updated the titles on the Service Summary Report
  • Updated the 2606 form 
December 29, 2022
  • Updated ability to add a staff person to a customer profile to assist with case notes getting sent by email.
  • Updated the titles on the Service Summary Report.  
December 23, 2022
  • Removed the requirement for the user to select an Appointment site/time on referrals. 
  • Updated to hide Dollar Value of Service tab on any activity that is labeled a SNAP Activity. 
December 21, 2022
  • Removed SNAP JP, S2S, and Earnfare Goals that have no services attached to them.
  • Removed the Sync from IES button on the Overview page.  
  • Remove EF Earnfare/WE - Work Experience from ISETS.
  • Added Earnfare Administrative Expense Certification to the Provider and Provider Manager section.
  • Upated logic that sets the E&T Status/SNAP Eligibility status fields on a customer's profie for Referrals.  
  • Updated the Add Activities/Services modal to create the correct goal record and assign the services selected to that goal.
December 15, 2022
  • Added a section for the Snap 2 Success program only that has a 50% Match Amount field.
December 13, 2022
  • Added a checkbox and column to include FCRS's on Customer list.
  • Added ISETS Help Request link to the navigation drop down in ISETS.
  • Updated ability to add/edit/remove services from a Provider.
  • Update made so multiple goals are no longer happening on new enrollments.
  • Updated Provider Referrals from IDHS to a Provider to display correctly in the Referral table on the Overview and Customer Forms pages.
December 5, 2022
  • Updated Work Experience is now a category that houses OJT, TJ, Internships, and Apprenticeships.
November 21, 2022
  • Updated the check boxes on the Staffing & Billing Tools to save correctly. 
  • Updated the check boxes on the Supportive Services Summary to save correctly. 
  • Updated the English fluency check on Add Services/Activities. 
  • Updated Worksite Placement steps to include a planned due date.
  • Updated the 4333 report to display Exited Customers.
  • Updated E&T Programs to have the ability to change the This program offers option.
  • Updated cannot add activities without at least one item added through the enrollment option. 
    • Pop-up will appear if the customer is not enrolled yet with a link to the recommendations for activities.
November 17, 2022
  • Updated the ability to click on the names on the Employment Report.  
  • Updated Activity and Employment to have an active date within the reporting month. 
November 11, 2022
  • Removed the words, "No longer elgibile" by Exited on the Overview page in the E&T status options. 
  • Updated to show the End Date input when creating or editing Employment records.
November 4, 2022
  • Added a check box for customers without an active phone number on customer intake. 
  • Added Provider information to the print options on the Reports.
  • Updated which customers will show on the 4333 report. 
  • Updated that WorkDev and Program Managers have the ability to edit IL444-4334 under customer forms.
  • Updated Staffing Complete options to save properly.  
  • Updated to disable Staffing button unless all the check boxes are checked.
  • Updated the Overview page by adding a new Program completion status.
  • Updated the reports to filter by the program the customer is assigned to.  
  • Upadated the Recommended Programs, Activities, and Service because the Computer Comfort Level was not properly working.
November 1, 2022
  • Updated the Complete Program goal to be ceated as a Short Term Goal instead of a Long Term Goal.
  • Updated Employment/Credential modals
    • If nothing is typed in the insurance name field then the date field is not required.
    • Date of 1st paycheck is no longer a required field.   
October 24, 2022
  • Database Updates - individual user accounts updated
October 12, 2022
  • Added a checkbox for Customer consent for referrals
  • Added a Print button to the Initial assessment
  • Added a file upload for Referrals 
  • Added a button to switch to bulk attendance 
  • Added a Select/Deselect All checkbox for Training Program Recommendation Criteria
  • Added E&T status to export list
  • Update to hide IWDS services levels on Career Plan if a program does not use IWDS services
  • Updated ability to Save & Go To Next Page on Provider Info
  • Updated ability to Save in the Employment section of the Overview page when uploading a file 
  • Database Updates 
October 5, 2022
  • Database Updates
October 3, 2022
  • Added 2023 FY to all lists
  • Added a filter for the FY and E&T status on the Customer page
  • Added a "Referral Rejected" status to E&T status column
  • Added a field for phone number on Add a new Provider on Provider Information
  • Added Text to Menu icons on Mobile version
  • Added Subsidized Start and End Dates for Earnfare
  • Updated ability to select Earnfare Employment Type on the Edit Worksite Placement Information page
  • Updated E&T Status field on the Customer List 
  • Updated Contract goal on Provider Details 
  • Updates to referrals: Amount and Pending to rejected or active
  • Database Updates
  • Removed Earnfare as an activity selection from E&T programs
September 27, 2022
  • Database Updates
September 15, 2022
  • Added Earnfare as an Employment type in the drop-down list
  • Added case number to export list
  • Database Updates
September 9, 2022
  • Database Updates
September 6, 2022
  • Database Updates

October 2021


Here are the supported web browsers:

Unsupported Browsers:
  • Internet Explorer 11: Manufacturer Support expired August 17, 2021
  • Edge Legacy: Manufacturer Support expired March 9, 2021

Known Issues

  • When adding employment on the assessment, partners are currently asked to select a provider (partner agency) there isn't anything to select as this is for the assessment. You may bypass that and add the employment. If you continue to click Add, it will continue to add the employment multiple times. Adding the employment will also automatically add a JR because of the new regular employment changes. As many times as you click ADD is how many JR items will be on the career plan. Temporary solution - click once and move on - go to career plan and remove JR.​ Planned release 4/4/24​
  • Regular partners cannot export from the main customer list. Temporary solution: submit a request for the items that you want exported.​ Planned release 4/4/24
  • 2606 report in box 3 of the Staffing and Billing report is auto-checking and should be a manual check. - Planned release 4/4/24
  • 2610 is not loading. Planned release 4/4/24​
  • ​​If the buttons are not clickable on the partner portion of the billing and staffing report, refresh your screen.
  • Customers are not syncing with IES data if they do not have an Individual number. Please ensure all customers have the correct individual number by checking with a provider manager.
  • ​Print version of employment plan does not print. Requires updated document from IDHS. - TBD​