Job Training and Economic Development (JTED)

​This funding opportunity is closed. Visit the Funding Opportunities page for information on current opportunities, Bidder's List subscription, and grant resources.​

JTED Grant Opportunity
This opportunity was closed on January 28, 2015. It may be funded again in Fall/Winter 2016.  Please subscribe to Partner News for information about this and other opportunities.

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity released the Fiscal Year 2015 Request for Application (RFA) for the Job Training and Economic Development Grant Program. The performance period will be from June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2017. The approved budget will cover expenses for the same period. Proposals were accepted by the Department no until the end of the day​ on January 28, 2015. Following are archival links to the Grant Application Instructions and Application Submission Format used for the 2015 grant application.

Webinar Materials:
  • Applicant Name - 2015 JTED Application (Word)
  • Applicant Certification Signature Page - 2015 JTED (Word)
  • Fiscal Presentation (PDF)
  • FY15 JTED Application Orientation (PDF)
  • Job Training and Economic Development RFA - 2015 (PDF)
General Information
The Job Training Economic Development Grant Program (JTED) was created in 1998 with the following program goals:
  1. Foster local economic development by linking the needs of the low-wage/low-skilled employed worker with the workforce needs of local industry,
  2. Foster local economic development by linking the needs of disadvantaged individuals, including welfare recipients, with the workforce​ needs of local industry.
Community-based providers (CBO) are to work in partnership with local businesses to provide training to those enrolled in the program to meet the skill needs of local industry. Community-based providers connect local employers in need of a better-trained workforce and their low-wage/low-skill workers. Partnerships between community-based providers and local employers are established to provide a mechanism for information exchange and training programs.

Community-based providers establish partnerships with economic development organizations to identify local industries having difficulty recruiting skilled entry-level workers. The program aims to develop training programs that link the workforce needs of local industries with the job training and placement needs of disadvantaged persons in the community. Partnerships are formed with local employers to design and deliver training programs for disadvantaged persons. Successful completers of the training are placed into employment with participating employers.

With these goals established, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (Commerce) will award grants in two categories:
  • Category 1 — Industry Linked Training for Low-Wage/Low-Skilled Workers
  • Category 2 — Industry Linked Training for Disadvantaged Persons
To be eligible for a JTED grant under either category:

  • Category 1 — Industry Linked Training for Low-Wage/Low-Skilled Workers
  • Category 2 — Industry Linked Training for Disadvantaged Persons
The respondent to this RFP must be a not-for-profit organization with a local board of directors that directly provides job training services. The not-for-profit organization must have a history of serving low-wage/low-skilled workers and/or disadvantaged persons. Such organizations are referred to as “Community-based Providers” in the Act. Eligible applicants include current entities operating JTED grants.

For more information on the JTED program, please email: Tammy Stone