The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (Commerce) is issuing this Request for Application (RFA) to identify qualified organizations to assist with the administration of TAA programs in Cook County, Northeast Region in Illinois. Commerce will designate a qualified organization to assist with the trade program administration to provide TAA services to workers impacted or at-risk of being impacted by foreign trade, and will provide grant funding to support allowable TAA activities based on the level of TAA Program activities during the grant period. Grantees will provide trade-affected workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, resources, and support they need to become reemployed. Grantees will be primarily responsible for providing TAA services to eligible workers in Cook County as directed by the Department. The Grantee may also be required to support the Department in the regional coordination of the TAA Program in Illinois’ Northeast Economic Development Region including Lake, McHenry, DuPage, Kane, DeKalb, Kendall, Grundy, and Kankakee Counties.