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Overview of Project
USDOL awarded Illinois $4 million for the Sector Partnership NEG project
Illinois’ identified sectors: Healthcare, Manufacturing, TDL
Eligible participants: dislocated workers (no specific target groups)
Incumbent workers may be served on a limited, pre-approved basis
Comprehensive services—Career Services, Training, WBL, Supportive Services
Encourages innovative approaches to job matching, job coaching, and other Career Services.
DOL is looking for more intensive career services; has declined in past years according to DOL; minimum 25% must be spent on Career Services.
Service coordination must occur with other federal programs such as Wagner-Peyser, Adult Ed, CTE, SNAP, TAA, TANF.
Emphasis on Work-Based Learning -- OJTs, Customized Training, Incumbent Worker Training,
Transitional Jobs, and Registered Apprenticeships.
Emphasis on occupational training resulting in industry-recognized credentials
Program staff costs are supported but must be reasonable and necessary.
Sector Partnership NEG LWIA Grant Application
- Revised Template (9/28/15)
MS Word
Sector Partnership NEG Project Goals for Application Process - Revised Template (9/28/15) (