A person can file a written appeal by facsimile (fax), mail, or in person. A fax of the client's request for an appeal is the same as an original written request. A written appeal must be signed by the client or a person approved by the client. Advise clients to send a written appeal to either the Family Community Resource Center serving that client or the DHS Bureau of Assistance Hearings (BAH). Child care appeals may also be filed with the CCR&R or the Bureau of Child Care and Development.
Appeals received by a Family Community Resource Center other Department offices, or a CCR&R should be date-stamped and emailed or faxed to BAH within 48 hours. Attach the postmarked envelope if the request was mailed to the office or the transmittal sheet if it was faxed. For appeals signed by a representative, attach a copy of their authorization. File copies of all documents in the case record.
A person may file an appeal by phone by calling the Bureau of Assistance Hearings' toll-free number (1-800-435-0774). For SNAP appeals only, a person may also file an appeal by telling DHS staff, by phone or in person, that they want to appeal.
During the sanction period, the person is ineligible for SNAP. The sanction period may end early if the person becomes exempt. The SNAP sanction does not end early if the person complies with program requirements.
A person who violates any of the SNAP work provisions without good cause, is sanctioned from receiving SNAP benefits for:
1st violation: 3 fiscal months
2nd violation: 3 fiscal months
3rd or more violations: 6 fiscal months
The first month of the sanction period is the first fiscal month following the end of the 10-day timely notice period. If the person appeals, stop the action pending the appeal decision.
After the end of the sanction period, the person may qualify for SNAP benefits if:
* the person was sanctioned for the full length of the sanction period; and
* an application is filed if the case was canceled or denied as a result of the sanction, or a request is made to add the person to an active case if the case remained eligible when the person was sanctioned; and
* all other eligibility factors are met.