1. LWIBs, in consultation with the WIOA partner agencies, may determine that their local one-stop network includes additional sites that provide access to one or more partner services, but are not designated as a center. These “access sites” must link, physically or technologically, to the comprehensive one-stop center and any appropriate affiliate one-stop centers.
2. This linkage may occur, for example, through referral processes to these centers and partner programs located in them.
3. Access Sites provide customers with information on the availability of career services and other program services and activities, regardless of where they initially enter the public workforce system in the local area.
4. Access Sites providing services by WIOA partner program staff must display appropriate signage identifying the site as part of the Illinois workNet and American Job Center networks. WIOA regulations require the common identifier or tagline be used on "all products, programs, activities, services, electronic resources, facilities, and related property and new materials used in the one-stop delivery system," which includes signage and materials printed, purchased, or created by the one-stop delivery system (20 CFR 678.900(c)). Resource room materials distributed to customers not printed, purchased, or created by the one-stop delivery system do not need to contain the common identifier or the tagline.
5. Access Sites that are part of the one-stop delivery system do not need to be included in operating costs in the MOU nor do they need to go through the certification process (20 CFR 678.800).