
All A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Acronyms

  • Facing Substantial Cultural Barriers

    An individual who perceives him or herself as possessing attitudes, beliefs, customs or practices that influence a way of thinking, acting or working that may serve as a hindrance to employment.

  • Failure To Meet Qualifying Requirements For TRA/TAA
    Customer did not meet one of the qualifying requirements for eligibility.
  • Failure To Report For 28-Day Review
    Customer failed to appear for the required 28-day waiver review while on a waiver from training requirements.
  • Failure To Report For Initial Assessment
    Customer did not appear for initial assessment following the receipt of letter to appear.
  • Faith-Based Organization

    A Faith-Based Organization is one whose founding, governance, or membership is derived from a religious institution or religiously-affiliated entity.

  • Family
    The term “family” means two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or decree of court, who are living in a single residence, and are included in one or more of the following categories:
    (A) A married couple and dependent children.
    (B) A parent or guardian and dependent children.
    (C) A married couple.
  • FBO

    A Faith-Based Organization is one whose founding, governance, or membership is derived from a religious institution or religiously-affiliated entity.

  • FFY
    Federal Fiscal Year
  • Firewall

    As it relates to youth service provider procurement, a firewall consists of documented procedures and security measures, physical and electronic, designed to maintain a competitive environment that prevents conflicts of interest and ensures that internal processes are transparent, fair, and unbiased.

  • Follow-up

    States and local areas must provide follow-up services for adults and dislocated worker participants who are placed in unsubsidized employment, for up to 12 months after the first day of employment. States and local areas must establish policies that define what are considered to be appropriate follow-up services, as well as policies for identifying when to provide follow-up services to participants. One type of follow-up service highlighted in WIOA is to provide individuals counseling about the work place. Follow-up services do not extend the date of exit in performance reporting; for more information on performance reporting see TEGL 10-16, Change 1.

  • Foster Child
    A minor on behalf of whom State or local government payments are made to a foster parent or other guardian.
  • Fraud, Misfeasance, Nonfeasance or Malfeasance
    Deliberate actions that are in violation of federal statutes or regulations. These actions include but are not limited to bribery, forgery, extortion, embezzlement, theft, kickbacks, and payments to ghost contractors/participants, misuse of grant funds or property, and misrepresentation of information included in official reports. Failure to perform tasks essential to preserving financial integrity may also be included.
  • FTE
    Full-Time Equivalent
  • FY
    Fiscal Year