​2023 meetings, notes and recordings​

Title: App IL TA 
Date: December 6, 2023
1. Quarter Ends December 31st 

If you want an event or an organization to count, it will be based on the day it was entered.  


2. Employer Information versus Outreach Event 

If you go to a Chamber of Commerce event, hand out business cards and say “contact me”, this goes under the Outreach event tab.  Whereas if you already have an organization in the system and doing a job or recruitment fair for XYZ Industries and you go and do a presentation on an apprenticeship, this would go under Organization 


3. Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 3rd at 1:30pm 

​Title: App IL TA
Date: November 29, 2023

​1. Adding an organization 

  1. If a company is in IEBS, then they are in Dunn & Bradstreet. This means that when you are adding the Organization in Illinois workNet, their information will populate when searched.  
  2. Once the Organization is added, check the address.  If the address is not correct, update and save the new address. 
  3. Check the Underserved area.   
  4. Add Contact Information for the Organization. 
  5. Add Service Team Information.  
  6. Add Outreach Events specifically for that organization 
  7. Apprenticeships 
  8. Engagement / Employer Services.  

After this information has been entered when you look at the Dashboard under the Planned Outcomes section > “Activity: Number of businesses engaged” will now show the number of Organizations that are entered in the first column.  

2. Add Outreach Event  

Outreach Events should be entered on the Outreach tab. Outreach event definitions are listed at the top of the page Many different types of events can be considered Outreach Events.  


3. Adding a New Apprentice  

  • Adding a new Apprentice is not considered an Outreach Event.  

  • This would count towards the customers at the top of the Dashboard.  

  • Business should be listed in the Organizations.  


4. Instructions will be updated with Dashboard line definitions.  


5. Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 6th 1:30pm.  

​Title: App IL TA 
Date: November 22, 2023
​Open Office
​​Title: App IL TA
Date: November 15, 2023
​Open Office
​Title: App IL TA 
Date: November 8, 2023
​Open Office
​​Title: App IL TA
Date: November 1, 2023
TA session

1.      November 3rd (Friday) is the last date to get all Organizations and Events entered into the system.  Anything entered after November 3rd will go into Q2 reporting.

2.      21 grantees who are entering Navigator data will need access to IEBS to confim Underserved areas. If you or any of your agency partners that work on IEBS need access please let Dee know.

3.      23 grantees - Please complete all sections of your workplan. When complete, notify Chase to approve your plan. After the plan has been approved and changes are required, submit a Help Request to schedule a session with Dee or Chase.

4.      Quarterly Narrative Updates - You won't be able enter into that section until after the quarter ends.  In the future, the sections of the Narrative will be broke up into separate boxes to enter information in. 

5.      On the quarterly narrative, enter the date for which the quarter is ending I.e. quarter ending 9/30/2023 at the beginning of the narrative report. Program Year is different than Fiscal Year is different than calendar year. Always include the date for which it is being submitted.

6.      Navigator spreadsheet – Partners no longer need to submit numbers on the Excel spreadsheet as everything can be entered in Illinois workNet.

7.      OII - An Other Impacted Individual (OII) is an individual who is enrolled in a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) that was developed or expanded with grant funds and is, therefore; impacted by the grant, but who does not receive a direct, grant-funded participant-level service.  Essentially, OIIs are RAs in programs where grantees have only worked at the program level, the RA does not get any individual support. Confirmation will be provided for who gets to count the apprentice if one grantee does the set-up and another grantee provides financial support.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 8th at 1:30PM

​Title: App IL TA 
Date: October 25, 2023
Open Office

1. In Illinois workNet, click Customer Support Center.  Click Groups at the top and search Apprenticeship to find your group.

2. Quarterly Reports are due October 30, 2023.
* Anything tied with the 21 grant Phase 2 Funding will be reported as it was before under the 21 grant.

3. The Quarterly Report & Financial information needs to be uploaded in Illinois workNet.
o   Financial Information can be uploaded by:

o   Click (File Folder tab) Provider Info

o   Click File Upload - 10 MB file size limit.

o   Quarterly Report Information:
WorkPlan & Reports (section)
Update agency plan with: (grant numbers will show in a column with October 26 push at 7PM)
o   Project Narrative – ensure staff is correct.
o   Project Overview – begin with the word NAVIGATOR or INTERMEDIARY
o   Project Plan

§  Activity

§  Deliverable (for the grant)

§  Responsible staff

§  Date

o   Verify numbers were entered correctly for

§  Projects Serving Individuals

§  Capacity Building

o   If the current plan has an approved status, submit a help request for a meeting with Dee to make changes and approve. When making a request, the plan must already have been approved by Chase Martin or Jen Foil.

Quarterly Narrative Updates: It will not allow you to pick a program quarter that has not completed. I.e. cannot pick quarter ending 12/31/23 before January 1, 2024. Before you do this, update all your plan items.  Then let Chase know it has been completed so the plan can be approved.  If something has been approved but needs to be changed, submit a Help Request and Dee can make the updates with you on a Zoom or Teams call and approve it. All changes must be pre-approved by Chase or Jen.

4. Work plan & Reports tab will be new as of Thursday 7pm release.
You may want to wait until Friday to do your Quarterly Narratives, it may be easier to find your grant. To get to the Quarterly Report, click on the Project Plan for the grant. Let Chase know that the plan has been updated so he can do in and approve the plan.
If it is a navigator grant it should be the first word in capital letters in the Project Overview box. I.e. NAVIGATOR or INTERMEDIARY

5. Navigator Tool
1.     If the Dunn & Bradstreet search for the employers is not showing accurate data.
·       Maybe the agency has moved, and D & B has not caught up with it.
·       The employer has not updated the number of employees on Dunn & Bradstreet.
2.     Adding an Outreach Event (For reporting purposes, no longer using Excel.)
·       The most efficient way is to go to the specific employer and add the Outreach Event there.
·       Dee will follow-up that Outreach Events are added together from company and overall outreach events.

​​Title: App IL TA
Date: October 18, 2023
​Open Office
​Title: App IL TA 
Date: October 11, 2023
​Open office 
IEBS underutilized search overview
​​Title: App IL TA
Date: October 4, 2023
​New Navigator training overview
​Title: App IL TA 
Date: September 6, 2023

​Reviewed the newly released Navigator Tools.
Formal training for new providers coming soon.
​Title: App IL TA
Date: August 2, 2023

1. Apprenticeship Illinois Meetings 

Technical Assistance meetings are once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30pm.  


2. The final reporting is due soon. 


3. Changing Benchmarks in Illinois workNet 

Under the Groups tab, under Workplan & Reports, looking at the Quarterly report, changing any of these items puts you back into a “pending plan” status. After you click Save, send Chase an email to approve your “pending plan” so your numbers can be changed. 


4. Dashboard 

Planned vs Actual Numbers 

Submit a Help Request if your numbers do not match what they should be  


5. Submitting a Help Request through Illinois workNet 

In the top right dropdown in Illinois workNet, select Help RequestOnce you are taken to the Help Desk, click New Request at the top right.  

If you are not sure if it is a program or system question, include your program manager including Chase’s email address in the CC box.  


6. Next meeting: Wednesday, September 6th at 1:30pm

​Title: App IL TA
Date: January 18, 2023


  • Help Request system
  • Events
  • Success Stories
  • Navigator Tools
​​Title: App IL TA
Date: January 4, 2023

  • Recording: None
