October 17, 2024
The latest release occurred on 10/17/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Created project home page.
- Updated the Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth worksheets.
- Created a section on the Details page called, "Start page" under "User Details" section.
- Updated home page to populate with "all tasks" and "assigned to me".
October 3, 2024
The latest release occurred on 10/3/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Updated the 1-J Audit question.
- Updated the notes field for 1-E Cost Allocation.
- Updated the 2-E question for Dislocated Workers.
- Updated the User Details section on Details tab.
- Updated the due date field to end date in the assignment sheets.
- Updated for a Monitor and Monitor Lead's phone number to populate on the Details tab.
- Updated for a Monitor, Monitor Lead, and Admin to be able to modfidy details of a work plan task.
- Updated the answers for question worksheets to be populated in the legacy events.
September 9, 2024
The latest release occured on 9/5/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Updated Monitor Admin role to quickly access audit materials.
- Updated the content on the 2-E Trade WIOA Eligibility file review.
- Updated the content on the 2-E II Adult WIOA Elegibility file review.
- Updated when a previous no answer is deselected in a worksheet, then the finding is removed from the findings table in the event.
August 22, 2024
The latest release occured on 8/22/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Fixed issue on 1-D Disbursement questions.
- Updated the content on the 2 E I Youth WIOA Eligibility file review.
- Updated the content on the 2-E II Adult WIOA Eligibility file review.
- Updated the description field to include additional text.
- Updated the description field to allow for hyperlinks to be included.
- Updated the content on the 2-E III WIOA Dislocated Worker Eligibility file review.
- Updated the criteria section to more accurately depict the monitoring practices.
August 8, 2024
- The latest release occured on 8/8/24. The following items were included:
- Fixed issue with 1-L Petty Cash.
- Fixed issue with 1-F Payroll Question worksheet.
- Updated date in the Announcement letter.
- Fixed issue with GAAP questions not populating.
- Fixed issue with page footer in instrument report.
- Fixed issues with 1-D disbursement question worksheet.
- Fixed issue with 1-C1 Bank Reconciliation period ending date incorrect.
- Fixed issue with 2-C II Customized Training Review records not populating SSN.
- Updated all headings to be consistent on the 2-E III WIOA Dislocated Worker file.
- Fixed issue with fringe benefit questions not populating for legacy ACME events.
July 25, 2024
- The latest release occurred on 7/25/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Added a section in the event page for Reports.
- Updated question mapping for 1-D Disbursements.
- Added ability to populate audit report template with data.
- Fixed issue with 2-A Training Service Contractor Review not showing for several legacy events.
- Fixed issue with ARLT boxes not appearing correctly for 1-D Disbursement versions 44 question 16.
- For the Admin role, created a templated, downloadable document of instrument responses for an event.
- Fixed issue with the name of the worksheet for 2-A Subaward Review for Service Provider ACME migrated items being inccorect.
July 11, 2024
- The latest release occurred on 7/12/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Updated findings from the trade worksheet to populate.
- Updated the calendar to the top when the date picker is selected in the file review worksheet assignment boxes.
- Updated the findings table and letter to have the same character limitations for length as the Additional Results Letter text.
- Updated when creating a new event, an event name is required.
- Updated when creating a new event to not allow the same event name.
May 30, 2024
- The latest release occurred on 5/30/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Fixed issue with excess cash.
- Fixed issue with Element B 1-B Policy and Procedure
- Fixed issue that was happening when updating forms from question worksheets.
- Migrated 2-C questions, OJT
- Migrated 2-C questions, Customized Training Review.
- Migrated 2-D questions, Participating Employer
- Migrated 2-D questions, Incumbent Worker
- Migrated 2-D, Incumbent Worker Eligibility
- Migrated 2-D, Participating Employer Information
May 2, 2024
- The latest release occurred on 5/2/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Migrated 1-B Policy and Procedures Area to GMS.
- Updated the popuated date of the exit conference to a manually entered date in the findings letter.
- The latest release occured on 4/4/24. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Added ability to see multiple member assignments from the instrument list.
- Fixed the issue with file review worksheets for the event, the period ended Date field value is no longer one date less in GMS compared to legacy system.
- Fixed the issue with the document type dropdown, the dropdown will no longer close when attempting to scroll the list.
- Added the following columns to the instrument tree:
- Assigned to
- last modified date
- status
- The latest release occured on 3/21/2024. The following items were included:
- Database Updates.
- Fixed the 2E Adult worksheet to save:
- Updated in the Assessment and Service Strategy section for the checkboxes to save/submit.
- Remove the Basic Skills Deficient check box at the top of the Priority of Service Participant section
- Updated when adjusting the assignment schedule, the new assignment saves.
- Updated the findings letter to generate the finding results in the correct section of the letter.
- Added ability for Monitoring Leads to be able to assign a module to multiple members of the team.
- Updated the information pulled from IWDS to 2E Adult, Discloated Worker, and Youth to autopopulate.
- Updated 1-I GAAP Questions, 1-K Sub-Recipient Monitoring Questions, and 2-E Questions, Trade to trigger findings.
- Added ability for Monitoring Leads or Admin to know when instrument items in an event are created or modified.
- Updated the findings letter to include the name of the person who triggered the findings letter and also identify the Component and the Element.