Presentation Title | Presentation Description |
Title: Illinois Performance Accountability & Transparency System (IPATS) - Dashboard Enhancements & Best Practices Date: June 13, 2024
| Webinar details
- Dashboard Enhancements
- Best Practices
- Submitting a Help Request
- IPATS Partner Guide
Title: Illinois Performance Accountability & Transparency System (IPATS) - Dashboard Overview Date: June 5, 2024
| Webinar details:
- Overview of the IPATS Dashboard
- Submitting a Help Request
- IPATS Partner Guide
Title: Illinois Performance Accountability & Transparency System (IPATS) for Performance and Case Management and Program Implementation Date: May 11, 2022
| Illinois Performance Accountability & Transparency System (IPATS) provides state of Illinois workforce development professionals with a whole new set of advanced tools and data displays to use in their day-to-day work to provide transparency on performance and accountability as it relates to case management and program implementation.
This statewide webinar can provide information to an array of users, such as: - State Level OET Staff
- Regional Managers
- Monitoring Staff
- Title IB Administrators
- Local Performance Representatives
- Career Planners, Case Managers, & Front Line Staff
Title: WIOA Performance - Youth Performance Accountability Date: January 19, 2022
| This session will specifically equip attendees with a strong technical and operational understanding of the WIOA Title I YOUTH Performance Measures. Since Youth measure methodologies differ from IA and ID measures in several ways, this Workforce Wednesday Webinar intends to relieve any confusion or uncertainty we may have regarding Youth performance indicators. Understanding the “rules” that apply to capturing and reporting Youth performance outcomes will contribute greatly to successful performance outcomes for LWIAs and the State.
Title: WIOA Performance - Credential Attainment Rate Date: December 1, 2021
| Learn who is included and how can you improve your outcomes. Are you interested in gaining a better, in-depth understanding of Credentials for your WIOA programs? Or, are you wondering what kinds of Credentials count and are acceptable and how they affect WIOA Title I program performance? Do you want to increase the number of credentials earned and reported in your programs? and improve your program’s Credential Attainment Rate outcomes? If you have these or other questions about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Credential Attainment Rate performance measure or indicator, this webinar will help you better understand the measure You’ll learn which types of credentials are acceptable to report and count towards performance success. We will outline who will and will not be included in the measure numerators and denominators based on service delivery, achievements, and time frames. Overall, a Better understanding of those individuals that will be included in the measure will be gained.
Title: WIOA Performance Measures - Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Date: November 17, 2021
| This webinar will focus on the Measurable Skill Gains performance indicator and the tips and considerations you can use when reporting on the measure to increase performance outcomes. You’ll hear from state and local performance managers who will provide a better understanding of the different ways progress can be documented for each type of MSG achieved by WIOA Title IB participants of the Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs. You should attend if you are an administrator, manager or supervisor, or front-line staff responsible for accurately reporting all MSGs during each program year.
Title: How are My Local WIOA Performance Outcomes Determined and What are the Impacts of Success of Failure Date: November 3, 2021
| As Local Workforce Innovation Board Members, Chief Elected Officials, and other local One-Stop Stakeholders, there are WIOA performance outcome expectations. This webinar will provide a brief overview of performance accountability including reporting requirements setting the stage to discuss WIOA Title I performance outcome expectations. Knowledge of the various levels of performance definitions and how a Statistical Adjustment Model will be presented to provide an overview of how indicator performance success and failure are derived. Illinois’ guidance on a phased-in, Pilot Project approach to performance outcomes will be presented.
Title: WIOA Performance 101 - An Overview of the Primary Indicators of Performance Date: October 10, 2021
| Participants should expect a high-level overview and basic explanations of WIOA performance indicator definitions, calculations, and reporting requirements.
Title: IPATS Overview Date: January 27, 2021
| Agenda
- IPATS Overview
- IPATS Demonstration
- Q& A