WIOA Training Provider Glossary

  • Aggregate Outcomes

    ​These are measures that combine outcome information from all training programs for a specific occupation or for a specific training provider. All outcomes information is based on data from the past three (3) years.

    Example of aggregate outcomes by training provider: The provider "Computer Training Institute of Chicago" has 12 WIOA training completers from 17 different WIOA certified training programs. The aggregate measures by provider for "Computer Training Institute of Chicago" represent the combined outcomes for all 17 WIOA certified training programs, which includes all 12 people who completed training with this provider.

    Example of aggregate outcomes by occupation: There are 25 training providers for the occupation Computer Support Specialist, with 40 WIOA completers from these 25 different WIOA training providers. The aggregate measures by occupation for Computer Support Specialist represent the combined outcomes for all 25 WIOA certified training programs for Computer Support Specialist, which includes all 40 people who completed training across all training providers.

  • Average wage for all jobs

    ​This is the average wage among WIOA training completers who obtained any type of job (whether or not the job is related to the training). The average is calculated by adding the wages of all WIOA completers who found any type of job and dividing that number by the number of completers who found a job. All outcomes information is based on data from the past three (3) years.

    Example of average wage for all job: Of 15 completers,12 got jobs.

    Of the 12 who got any type of job, the average wage for all jobs is $17.00 an hour.

  • Average wage for training-related job

    ​This is the average wage among WIOA training completers who obtained a job in the industry or occupation for which the WIOA training prepared them. The average is calculated by adding the wages of all WIOA completers who found training-related jobs and dividing that number by the number of completers who found training-related jobs. All outcomes information is based on data from the past three (3) years.

    Example of average wage for training-related jobs: Of 14 people who completed training, 12 got jobs. 10 of these 12 completers obtained jobs in found jobs in construction, which is related to the WIOA training.

    To get the average wage for training-related jobs, we take the wages of the 10 completers who found a job in construction and divide that by 10, which is the total number of completers in training related jobs. The average training-related wage is $15.00 an hour.