2025 TA recordings


​Brandon Updates:  
  • Everyone should have received an email from IYIP support for the quarterly meeting this Thursday at 10am. It will be recorded and the PowerPoint slides will be sent out. They are held every 3 months.  
  • You can sign up on the ICOY website.  
  • Thursday’s meeting will go in depth with the continuation application.  
  • Anyone who is a new provider as of last year, this is the first time you have done a continuation. 
  • Brandon is waiting for the final funding decisions for the new NOFO that was due in December but tentatively to start in February. This new NOFO has nothing to do with your current grant. If you applied for the NOFO, you will be notified no matter what (approved/not approved) 
  • Anyone who wants to receive a new contract after March 31st must fill out the continuation application. At minimum, submit those 3 things that were listed in the instructions in the email.  
  • Please continue to email/call Brandon (Brandon.Bax@illinois.gov) with any unique situations or specific scenarios related to your agency and the Continuation application. 
  • Nicolle and Brandon will cover this more in depth on Thursday during the Management meeting, but any time there is a new contract with a new approved budget, all providers will receive a new PFR monthly Excel workbook to submit your monthly expenditures 
  • You should assume the continuation will be approved, it is a non-NOFO, so not competitive. Basically, you are just going into year 2 of your programming and it is level funding.  
  • You can roll people over from March to April for the continuation as long as they are eligible. 
  • Do not exit your people and enroll them in a new fiscal year. If you enroll them in April, they just keep on rolling until you are done with that person. Don’t discharge on June 30th and reenroll them on July 1. Now if they are going from one grant to another grant, that is a different story, but they don’t get more subsidized days if you move them from one grant to another. 
  • If you enroll a youth in IYIP – Long, they are entitled to 180 subsidized days. If you enroll them in short, they are entitled to 90 days. But if you enroll them in short and then enroll them in long – they still only get 180 subsidized days. If the end goal is IYIP-Long, just start the participant in IYIP-Long. 
  • When the continuation starts in April, people who are going to continue from the current term – those wages will be charged to the new agreement. Anything through March 31st is your current contract. The new budget starts April 1st.  
  • There is an in-person meeting on the first Thursday in June. ICOY will talk about this Thursday.  

Upcoming Release Announcements: 

  • The next release is this Thursday night 3-6-25. 
  • We had an issue with some users not being able to enroll youth because it said they were part of the “JTED” program. This has been resolved. By Friday morning, the JTED enrollment error should be resolved.  

ICOY site visits 


  • Timeframe regarding all assessments/when should they be submitted? 
  • None of them have a specific timeframe. You can complete them as you are able but they should be completed before the customer is exited. If there is not an activity on a customer’s profile in 90 days, they will be exited. 
  • You can work on their career plan with them having been discharged. Their profile does not need to be reopened.  
  • If you still have contact with the youth after they have been discharged, the main thing, if possible, you should have them do the assessments, but if you aren’t going to see them and they aren’t returning, document the reason why the assessments were not completed. Document it in Case notes in Illinois Worknet. There is also room on the ppr for a narrative. Other users have put the information in a word document and attached it to the ppr. 
  • Almost anything can be paid work experience as long as the youth is working and earning a wage.  
  • Permanent employment is typically that job that a youth gets once they are done with any work experience that you would provide them with. In some situations, you can record a permanent employment activity and subsidize some of those wages and then they continue. It is up to you what you do with the youth’s opportunities.  
  • Enroll 24-year-olds at least 3 months prior to them turning 25. Do this just in case we can’t get them enrolled or there is some sort of problem with the system. Don’t do it any less than 60 days.  
  • If we started enrolling participants now for April 1st – does it affect our ppr if we waitlist them? Yes, that would affect your ppr because it all goes by when they are enrolled. Most of the performance in the system is based on when you enrolled them, started their job, started the activity, - that is how we adjusted the ppr so not everything is based on their intake application. So now if you enroll a person today, then they count as enrolled in this quarter. If you enroll them on April 2nd – they are going to count in next quarter. The activities they perform, (e101) – those all count the day they are done for that quarter in which the activity is completed. The ppr in the system is a place and time. If you have enrolled all your people, run the ppr. Then run it again a month later to see where everyone is.  Dee suggests running the PPR 2 times per month to see if the participants are tracking where the partner thinks they should. ​


System Updates:  

  • There were issues early in the sprint that we put out a hotfix for:  

  • Customers were missing/not displaying in the customer list.  

  • Customer names being duplicated on the customer list  

  • We had some issues with the green and red icons not showing properly with the CIS 360. If you are experiencing any of those issues, ask them if you can reset their password and then log in as that person so you can see what is going on. That will provide proper details for us to assist with your Help Request.  

  • We have a fix for the PPR number display. It did not require the customer to have their pre-assessment done when we were pulling up those numbers.  


Brandon Updates: 

  • Brandon is waiting to hear about the new forms for the continuations. There are only 6 weeks left of the contract left. This is the first time we are doing the continuation of the 3-month contract (April may June FY25)  

  • No updates on the NOFO decisions but have been told it is very soon. 

  • A lot of people have been making payment inquiries. Please include Nicolle McKinney (email address: Nicolle.mckinney@illinois.gov) just in case Brandon is out of the office.  

  • Please remember to submit the following if you are making a payment inquiry to Nicolle and Brandon: (Be sure to include them both.)  

  1. Provider name   

  1. FEIN   

  1. Contract number beginning with FCS   

  1. Which month or months are you asking about? 


Reminder from Karina Polanco about surveys – surveys must be completed by Friday, 2/21. 

  • DHS Youth TA Call Introduction and Announcements 0:30

    • Dee Reinhardt initiates the meeting, mentioning a release coming up on Thursday with bug fixes.

    • Dee emphasizes the importance of submitting help tickets instead of emails for quicker resolution.

    • Brandon.m.bax provides updates on the new NOFO ending in 3473, noting the funding decisions are delayed until mid-February.

    • Brandon reminds participants to submit Quarter Three PPRs and mentions the upcoming continuation applications, expected by the end of next week.

  • Questions and Clarifications on Reporting and Funding 8:41

    • Dee addresses a question about the iYPS reporting process, suggesting contacting Nicole McKinney for financial reporting.

    • Dee explains the attendance tracking process in the system and mentions tutorials available on the partner page.

    • Brandon clarifies that only one entry can be made for multiple bus passes under support services.

    • Dee and Brandon discuss the difference between stipends and incentives, noting that stipends cannot be combined with subsidized wages.

  • Specific Questions and Troubleshooting 20:02

    • Kevin Davis from Metropolitan Family Services asks about a system glitch when adding participants, which Dee troubleshoots by suggesting to hit F12 for error messages.

    • Dee demonstrates how to search for errors in the system and suggests submitting help tickets for detailed searches.

    • Arissa Winsley-Cavin and Kyra Kemp from Brightpoint discuss adding youth to work sites, with Dee providing a step-by-step guide and troubleshooting specific errors.

    • Rickey Layfield from Urban Male Network asks about adding worksites, and Dee explains the process and potential errors.

  • Worksite Placement and Employer vs. Worksite 21:03

    • Roxanna Montecillo from One On One asks about updating worksites in the system, and Dee provides instructions on adding new employers and work sites.

    • Dee clarifies the difference between employer and worksite, emphasizing that the employer is the agency paying the wages.

    • Kyra Kemp asks about reimbursing Chipotle for wages, and Dee suggests contacting Brandon for further clarification.

    • Dee explains the difference between work experience and work-based learning, suggesting using work experience for easier tracking.

  • Dashboard and Reporting Needs 39:50

    • Dee discusses the dashboard and its current features, including application status, eligibility, and enrollment status.

    • Dee asks participants to suggest additional items they would like to see on the dashboard, such as youth who have been exited or completed employment.

    • Dee mentions the possibility of adding success stories to the dashboard for better tracking and reporting.

    • The meeting concludes with Dee inviting participants to submit help tickets for any additional questions or suggestions.

​PPR and Expense Report Reminders
  • Dee Reinhardt initiates the meeting, reminding participants to rename themselves to include their agency for attendance tracking.
  • Brandon.m.bax provides updates on the Quarter Three PPR due on January 31, emphasizing that all providers must submit it, even if no programming is occurring.
  • Brandon.m.bax explains the importance of submitting monthly expense reports, even if there are no expenditures, and mentions that outstanding PPRs and expense reports will be followed up on.
  • Continuation applications for FY 25 and FY 26 are expected to be received in the next two to three weeks, with less paperwork compared to the initial NOFO application.

​​Subsidized Days Counter and Budget Revisions

  • Brandon.m.bax clarifies that the subsidized days counter never resets, with a maximum of 90 days for short-term programming and 180 days for long-term programming.
  • Any used subsidized days from previous programs, including the old iyp, are subtracted from the maximum allotment.
  • Brandon.m.bax reminds participants of the February 1 deadline for formal budget revisions above $50,000, with most budget revisions not requiring formal approval.
  • Dee Reinhardt confirms that small line item transfers up to $4,000 can still be done after February 1.

​​​Survey Completion and PPR Issues

  • Karina Polanco reminds participants to complete the survey if they have not done so, providing instructions and contact information for assistance.
  • Dee Reinhardt discusses issues with PPR submissions, including double-counting of enrollments and the impact of application dates on quarterly counts.
  • Dee Reinhardt advises running the PPR multiple times during a quarter to ensure accurate representation of youth activities and enrollments.
  • Updates to performance measures for Life Skills Workshop and career cluster reports are expected to be released on Thursday.

​​Youth Dashboard and Help Requests

  • Dee Reinhardt plans to update the youth dashboard to include a date search range and additional rows for program links, change requests, and other tracking data.
  • Participants are encouraged to submit suggestions for dashboard improvements via help requests.
  • Dee Reinhardt addresses specific help requests, including issues with work site placements and language translations in the system.
  • Brandon.m.bax clarifies the requirements for youth to participate in the program, including authorization to work in the US and residency in Illinois.

​​​Stipends and Job Readiness Training

  • Michae Wiley reports an issue with the PPR showing zero for stipends received, despite youth receiving monthly stipends.
  • Dee Reinhardt and Brandon.m.bax explain the difference between subsidized wages, stipends, and incentives, and how to report them correctly.
  • Kevin Davis inquires about the timing of job readiness training completion for PPR reporting, with Dee Reinhardt advising to start tracking in an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Dee Reinhardt confirms that the PPR will be fixed by mid-March, and participants are encouraged to submit help requests for any issues.

​​Final Remarks and Vacation Announcement

  • Dee Reinhardt opens the floor for any general questions, addressing specific issues raised by participants.
  • Dee Reinhardt announces her upcoming vacation and the availability of Heather to handle any urgent issues during her absence.
  • Participants express their well-wishes and thanks, and the meeting concludes with a reminder to submit help requests for any ongoing issues.​

​January 7 2025
1. Items for the upcoming release (1/9/25) 

  • Bug Fix -  on the employment under the Outcomes tab. It did not provide an option to add a SOC code. Now we have the look up and it will fill in the SOC code and classification.  
    • Activity dates only allowed future dates when adding an activity.  
    • Updated to allow back dates or future dates for regular activities.  
  • Worksite placement activities only allow a backdate. We want to make sure the Employment started before it is added.  
  • Updated the Worksite Placement instructions so that it now has the most recent instruction.  
  • A Super Admin will be able to edit the type of customer in-school or out of school youth on the enrollment 
  • Updating the Reporting on the Career Clusters.  
  • In the next sprint, we will be updating some Performance measures and what they count.  

2. Karina Polanco – Researcher with ICIJA.  

IDHS has partnered with ICIJA to evaluate the readiness of the 3356 grant(short and long term) for an Outcome Evaluation. It is an evaluation to understand the impact of the program. To gather insights on experiences with IYIP and how you operate. Agency grant managers will be receiving an email from Karina on how to complete the online survey. You will have six weeks to complete it and input will be anonymous. It will ask some demographic questions. The email will include directions on how to complete the survey along with all of the survey questions that will be asked when you are ready to take it. It will take 13 – 15 minutes. 

There are 60 questions in total. The majority of the questions are multiple choice or select all that apply. Once you begin the survey you can pause and resume at a later time. There will also be a back button. As you are completing the survey if you need clarification do not hesitate to reach out to Karina. You will have both her email address and phone number.  

3. Individual Payroll Data on Illinois workNet.  

As soon as you discharge a youth from their activity. It removes them from their payroll list. When you have a Worksite Experience, you have to enter an end date, mark the customer as successful or unsuccessful completion, remove subsidized wage, and enter subsidized end date.  

To add a second work experience, close the first activity and add an additional work experience activity. Do not change the dates or information on the original. 

4. Shifting youth from Short-term to Long-term. 

This is not what was anticipated for these grants. If you are enrolling a youth for short-term, the youth is not intended to complete short and long-term programming. The youth only has a total of 180 days of subsidized wages regardless of being enrolled in short-term and then long-term programs. 

You must exit youth from the short-term program. Add the youth, complete the application, eligibility and enrollment into long-term. This will retain the data for the youth that were enrolled in each of the programs. 

5. Will the PPR be affected by putting the customer in short term first and then putting them in long term? Yes. If you anticipate the youth is going to be in it for the long haul, enroll the youth in Long-term to begin with.  ​