Updates & Releases
August 22, 2024
  • ​Database Updates.
  • Fixed issue with ​dashboard timing out. 

August 8, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Fixed issue with adding 24-year-olds.​
  • Fixed issue with inability to access the DHS Youth dashboard.

July 25, 2024
  • ​Database Updates.
  • Added new category on the PPR Report for Employment.​

July 11, 2024
  • ​​​Database Updates.

June 27, 2024
  • ​Database Updates.
  • Fixed issue ​with inability to add youth over 24. ​
  • ​Fixed issue with inability to add the previous grant on the customer list.
  • ​Updated the Career Plan Agreement to be sent from the user triggering the event. 
  • Updated ability for Super Admin role to update Provider name on the Grantee Details page. 

June 14, 2024
  • ​Database Updates. 

May 30, 2024
  • ​Database Updates. 
  • Added ability for Super Admin to be able to add sub-project to the grant information.

May 20, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Added edit area for programs select for Super Admin role.

May 2, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Fixed issue when exporting a Customer list. 
  • Removed error when clicking on, "Customer Services Report".
  • Removed error when clicking on, "Download Certificate of Completion."
  • Updated IYIP-Summer Jobs, (short term and long term) to auto populate the activities. 

April 19, 2024
  • ​Database Updates.
  • ​Removed the ability to send a Case Note to Illinois workNet team. 
  • ​​Updated the PPR results for quarter to display correctly.

April 4, 2024
  • ​Database Updates.
  • Added 3 categories for new IYIP contracts that begin 4/1/24:
    • ​IYIP SJ (Summer Job)
    • IYIP Short
    • IYIP Long
  • Removed Related Instructions from Customer Overview tab. 
  • Fixed the issue with the Provider having to be manually added on the Career Plan.

March 21, 2024
  • ​Database Updates.

March 8, 2024
  • Database Updates.

February 23, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Resolved the issue for partners not being able to remove a document from the uploaded documents.
  • Resolved the error that was being presented on the Admin Case Note Deletion Report.​

February 9, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated My Training section on Partner page.
  • Added definitions to the Race section on the Customer Application. 
  • Upated ability for an HYES or RPSA partner to be able to select their agency from the provider list to add group attendance. 
  • Updated the Overview tab action item (green light) when payroll has been updated for a participant. 
  • Added the process to auto populate the provider based upon enrollment to the DHS Youth Career Plan. 
January 25, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Added explanatory text to Outcome > Employment
  • Limited backdating of of enrollment to 2 weeks prior to application date.
  • Updated information on Adminstrative Pivot Table
  • Added details of customer name, IwN id and program to outbound emailed case notes.
January 12, 2024
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated Employment 101 to function properly.
    • User can access Employment 101.
    • User can create a new Employment 101.
  • when adding an Organization, added the ability to add repeated agency appointments. 
  • Updated the Case Note Export button to create a list of case notes for the customer. 
December 22, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated the Self Evaluation to return to the Program profile. 
  • Updated when editing an application, to redirect to preview the application instead of the Intake Review tab. 
December 8, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated the Dashboard row for Customer Placement Status. 
  • Updated the Payroll export to no longer show people with inactive activity. 
  • Updated the Export on the customer list to show the enrollment date for program enrollment. 
  • Added an option on the Observational Evaluation for someone that is a partner for your agency in Illinois workNet.
  • Updated when adding a customer that already has an application that is less than 12 months old, it will auto fill the information from the previous application to the new application. 
November 27, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated customers turning age 25 to stay enrolled until discharged.
  • Updated instructions for Case Note tool (PDF) on customer Overview.
  • Updated ability to view log changes for customer counts on the Dashboard. 
  • Added a case link to the customer profile on the Case Note Deletion Request Report.
  • Added a row for number of Case Note Deletion requests along with link to the report on the Dashboard. 
November 10, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated Dashboard numbers to yield matching results.
  • Added a Case Note Deletetion Request Report for Grant Managers.
  • Updated ability to save a Casey Life Skills Assessment when using formatted text. 
  • Updated on the Progress tab, under Improved Life Skills Outcomes to say Case Plan instead of Career Plan.  
October 27, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Added ability to Delete a case note.
  • Added a section for Permanent Employment on the Overview tab. 
  • Updated logic when saving a contact's information. 
October 13, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Added Additional Items to the PPR Report for Report Section and Performance Measure. 
  • Updated Customer pages with Created and/or Updated dates:
    • Updated the Application with Created date, Started date, and Submitted date.
    • Updated Case Notes with Created date. 
    • Updated Customer Services / Career Plan with Updated date.
    • Updated Assessments with Created date. 
  • Updated the Dashboard to include a section that tracks customer changes. 
  • Updated the Customer Services Report when an end date is included while creating a new service as started/open. 
September 29, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Casey Life Skills to save correctly. 
  • Updated information bubbles on the dashboard. 
  • Updated the Customer Services Report Export to generate results. 
  • Updated the Customer Services Report - new services generate a goal. 
September 15, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Resume tab to Skills First.
  • Added a "Hide" button when viewing observational evaluation results.
  • Updated the Evaluation Summary search for other customers.
  • Updated Assessments > Worksite Evaluations - Added search worksites. 
  • Updated Add Customer to show is someone is currently enrolled with another agency. 
September 1, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Added "Case Plan Goal" to Goals list on Set Goals.
  • Added completion reason for successful completions.
  • Updated to add Race and Current Age to the customer export list. 
  • Updated to disable prepopulated education steps if a customer has an HS diploma. 
  • Updated to add age checks during invitation to submit application, verification, enrollment. 
August 18, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Subsidized days to calculate correctly. 
  • Updated Customer Services Report filters. 
  • Updated Performance Measures on the PPR Report to include options for: 
    • Age 25
    • Multi-Race
  • On the Overview tab, shortened the profile menus on the left-side. 
  • Updated the Improved Skills section to ensure it is tracking properly. 
  • Updated E101 to show if it has been completed and the date it was completed. 
August 4, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Updated all Support Services to active status. 
  • Updated Customer Service Report dropdown. 
  • Updated Customer Service Report to connect to Career Plan. 
  • Updated Customer Service Report export for Category. 
  • Updated Observational Assessment: Entered on behalf of. 
July 21, 2023
  • Updated Customer Profile: Created a new Outcomes tab for Discharge, Success Stories, and Follow-Up.
  • Updated "Application" tab to "Intake" tab. 
  • Added 3 new transportation options to select from: Walk, Bicycle/Scooter, or Dropped off by others.
  • Added to Update Log the deletion of an activity or service that has been assigned to a goal. 
July 7, 2023
  • Database Updates.
  • Added a daily system activity to automatically discharge customers with 90 days of inactivity.  The parameters that will be used to determine who is discharged include:
    • Customers invited without an application submitted within 90 days of invitation.
    • 90 days of inactivity for:
      • Case note created.
      • Career plan change.
      • Assessment added.
    • Worksite placement
      • Start date without an end date - 365 days after the start date.
      • Most recent - start and end date and it is 90 days past the end date. 
June 23, 2023
  • Added the ability to create an Assessment without a name. 
  • Added subsidized days to the invite for customer. 
  • Added a required note screen after selecting "For Cause" reason on discharge. 
  • Updated Customer Progress Overview indicators.
  • Updated the Progress Enrollment History display. 
  • Updated Assessment Search to only return active assessments. 
  • Updated the Dashboard with a new Customer Placement section. 
June 12, 2023
  • Added an additional check  before creating a new assessment. 
  • Updated ability to access customer career plan from customer group. 
  • Updated the Advanced Search for Enrollment Status reults. 
  • Updated the Advanced Search for Discharge results. 
May 26, 2023
  • Updated PPR and Career Cluster Reports
    • Updated the Advanced search option so that Enrolled or Discharged does not have to be selected in order to enable the Enrollment Type. 
  • Updated the Dashboard for items related to credential, certificate, and license activities.
    • Updated those without credential/license under customer placement status not started are in the color yellow.
    • Updated those with a credential/license started are in the color green. 
    • Updated those with a credential/license are in the color green. 
  • Added an Enrollment option of Discharged.
  • Database Updates
May 12, 2023
  • Added option of "Rejected" to Payroll Management
    • Added Status Change text box. 
  • Updated PPR and Career Cluster Reports.
    • Updated the quarter report labels.
    • Updated to default to the Program year. 
    • Updated Enrolled type to New and Continuing.
    • Updated the option of choosing Hispanic from the Race drop-down to the Ethnicity drop-down. 
    • Added queries to the PPR Report for enrolled (during enrollment) based on at discharge: part-time enrollment and at discharge: full-time enrollment.
May 9, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Worksite Placement to save when being changed. 
May 2, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated the Update Work Plan button.
  • Updated the data on the Payroll Export. 
April 27, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Added a group attendance button.
  • Added ability for providers to add a plan. 
April 25, 2023
  • Database Updates
April 21, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Added IYIP-S to system.
  • Updated Workplan & Reporting.
April 11, 2023
  • Database Updates
April 4, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Added ability to search assessments.
March 30, 2023
  • For Activities and Services, Completion Date field should not show unless in a completion or declined participation status is selected.
March 28, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Integrated Resource Team section
    • Updated the "View" to the right of the drop down list to show or remove members of the team previously selected. 
March 23, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Performance Measure page to connect to education and CLS.
March 15, 2023
  • Database Updates
March 13, 2023
  • Database Updates
March 7, 2023
  • Database Updates
February 28, 2023
  • Database Updates
February 23, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated Employment Warning Message for more than one open/active employment record.
February 13, 2023
  • Database Updates
February 8, 2023
  • Database Updates
February 1, 2023
  • Updated Add Workite Placement button on Worksite tab to Add New Employer/Worksite.
  • Updated header from CYEP - Index to DHS Youth. 
January 27, 2023
  • Database Updates
January 25, 2023
  • Added Enrollment and Reporting Options
    • AIYIP - Category I Short-term, Summer Employment
    • AIYIP - Category III Career Development Industry-linked Long-term Employment
    • AIYIP - Category II  Targeted Long-term Employment
  • Database Updates
January 20, 2023
  • Updated Career Cluster Report 
    • Updated report labels from PY to FY
    • Updated drop-down list from PY to FY
    • Updated the Credential filter date to look at the Credential earned date. 
  • Updated PPR Report
    • Updated report labels from PY to FY
    • Updated drop-down list from PY to FY
Janaury 12, 2023
  • Database Updates
January 10, 2023
  • Database Updates
  • Updated reporting for credentials
  • Updated credential list
December 30, 2022
  • Database Updates
  • Added Help Request link. 
December 23, 2022
  • Updated Career Cluster date range results to display data row labels.
  • Updated Worksite Placement Edit | End Employment from last year on August 20, 2021.
  • Updated SSA (Selective Service Number) ability to save.  
December 21, 2022
  • Database Updates
December 15, 2022
  • Database Updates
December 13, 2022
  • Update made to remove red error on accessing Customer Service Report for numerous users.
December 5, 2022
  • Database Updates
November 30, 2022
  • Error on access to PPR was repaired.
  • Database Updates
November 22, 2022
  • Database Updates
November 11, 2022
  • Updated the Dashboards to allow all programs to be selected.
  • Updated the Casey Life Skills screen to no longer cause the same information to be inserted repeatedly by the system. 
November 7, 2022
  • Database Updates
October 17, 2022
  • Updated worksites
  • Updated PPR Report 
  • Database Updates
October 12, 2022
  • Updated file upload size to a maximum size of 2MB
  • Updated Payroll Management Export button 
October 8, 2022
  • Added Success Story button on Progress tab
  • Updated Overview tab Hyperlinks to behave the same as clicking the tabs  
October 5, 2022
  • Database Updates
  • Update made to Worksite placement tab for Program to say DHS Youth instead of CYEP
September 28, 2022
  • When applicant finishes the emailed version of the application, they are redirected to their IwN profile.
  • AICI providers now show in the customer services report dropdown
  • Database Updates
September 16, 2022
  • Added link to search/register for Selective Service in Eligibility review 
  • Database Updates
  • PPR Report Updates
September 1, 2022
  • Updated filters for PPR Report 
August 5, 2022
  • Database Updates
July 27, 2022
  • Database Updates
July 12, 2022
  • Database Updates
  • Agency lists alphabetized in reports, etc.
July 6, 2022
  • Database Updates
  • Add prepopulated steps to career plan
June 23, 2022
  • Add AIYIP and AICI Agencies
June 9, 2022
  • Dashboard Updates
  • Add Export Customers Excel filters
  • Refresh the data grid - Payroll Management
  • DataTables Error - GrantTable
  • Add enrollment date to customer export list
  • Add HYES to PPR fields for the required services
  • Remove reference to NOCTI on Overview and progress pages
April 27, 2022
  • Added HYES partners and associated links
  • Fixed Employment Termination report link
  • Updated intake application
November 12, 2021
  • Fixed discharge table on progress page
October 25, 2021
  • Fixed user management to remove question about does this person need access to manage staff and locks add user button until an account has been found or created. 
September 27, 2021
  • Fixed groups appearing on customer application
  • Fixed customer discharge error
September 7, 2021
  • Fix AJAX error on datatables
  • User Management instruction updates
  • Fixed Subsidized days tracking

July 27, 2021
  • Added language on uploads screen to limit size of item being uploaded to 10MB
  • Fixed an error that was not allowing tabs to be seen in a reduced screen size.
  • Updates to Personal Group Invitation in customer groups.
July 9, 2021
  • Add worksite to other than permanent employment option.
  • When clicking edit on a customer in the worksite placement list or on the list of customers at a worksite, you are redirected to the career plan to make corrections.
July 2, 2021
  • Additional option "Educational Documentation" added to upload categories
  • Change to notifications and how application is submitted to help users complete application submission.
May 27, 2021
  • CLS Plans option added to Uploads categories.
  • Added categories to Agency file uploas of: Agency MOU, Agency Contracts, Agency Staff Training, Worksite Agreement
  • Hid Improved Life Skills Outcomes until steps are being used.
  • Display progress tab without errors.
  • Data base change for specific customer
  • Correction to how E101 tracks on Progress page.
  • Fix to previous participants being able to complete IYIP application.
  • Option added to Agency upload categories "Incentive/Stipends Paid"
  • Fixed conditions for how Case Life Skills Assessments track in progress page.
April 30, 2021
  • The upload documents tool to include a category for the upload: Plans, Payroll, timesheets, eligibilty documents, and Educational documents.
  • Application for students re-entering the program with another grant or another agency was repaired.
  • the number of enrolled youth shows in the row with the grant information entered.
  • Casey Life Skills was added to the export report.
  • Added County to eligibility verfication. 
    • If Cook County, must pick township
    • If Cook Chicago, must pick community
  • Updated a customer glitch
  • Updated connection between Employment 101 Generation 1 and 2 reporting on overview page and Performance on Progress page.
  • Fix to subsidized day tracking:
    • DO NOT track subsidized days unless Subsidized Start Date is entered.
    • MUST HAVE date entered in Subsidized Start Date to track subsidized days. If there is not a subsidized start date DO NOT track dates for subsidized total.
    • STOP tracking subsidized days when Subsidized end date is entered.
    • ADD a warning message if someon eis adding an end date to the service AND IF there is a subsidized start date BUT NOT a subsidized END date.
    • Message reads:  Warning - Subsidized END date is blank.
    • No message if there is not a subsidized start date.
    • Agencies track employment with these steps whether or not the employment is subsidized. A person may exhaust their subsidized days because of moving from one job to another.
March 16, 2021
  • A column has been added to the payroll export list to indicate enrollment category for easy sorting. 
March 10, 2021
  • On the Customer Services Report there is now a column to view the number of customers who have had a step marked as Evaluated / Not Required. https://apps.illinoisworknet.com/SiteAdministration/Reports/Reports/CustomerService 
  • The situations list for customer applications has updated situations and order. Several items have been added, several items have been hidden, but the data if marked before being hidden will be included in reporting.
February 18, 2021
  • Updated text to recommended upload for certificates of staff completing training
  • Added additional options to establish a worksite including:
    • work-based learning
    • work experience
    • internships
    • on-the-job training
    • permanent employment
    • apprenticeship
    • pre-apprenticeship

February 1-16, 2021
  • Entering staff received training, any date can be entered into the date entry field.
  • When accessing a customer profile from a list, you will land on the customer overview page.
  • Any employment that is entered into a step with subsidized days tracked will add together with Stipend/Incentive based days and provide a total in three spots - on related steps, on the worksite placement page, and on the progress page.
    • Steps include:
      • Start permanent employment 
      • Pre-apprenticeship
      • Apprenticeship
      • complete an internship
      • Complete On-the-job training
      • Complete paid work experience
      • Stipend/Incentive based experience
  • Subsidized days cannot overlap with other positions or stipend / incentive steps.
  • Casey Life skills is now tracking on the Overview page.
  • There is a check box to mark if the Casey Life Skills plan has been uploaded to the customer uploads tab.
  • Added a signature line and date for the customer to sign a printed version of the application.
  • Update to Enrollment History dates when customers are enrolled into a program will show the date the program was changed. 
  • Ability to enter Grant detail information was repaired.
  • On the Worksite placement page for a customer, when clicking on the job, the user is redirected to the career plan to make modifications to the step.

January 12, 2021
  • Changes to Career Plan
    • All prepopulated steps are required
    • Option to mark those steps as Evaluated Not Required
    • A required case note cannot be bypassed for any steps for Referral to services
  • Signature, date and print option added to application.
  • New situations added to customer application
    • I would be eligible to receive Free/Reduced lunch at school when I attend school.
    • I do not participate in organized afterschool activities.
    • I had or have a DCFS case worker.
    • I have been accused of being in a gang.
    • I have a brother/sister who is a teen parent.
    • I have a brother/sister who dropped out of school.
    • I have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) at school.
    • I have been accused of bullying.
  • Changed worksite placement dashboard to reflect maximum number of subsidized days allowed per program.
  • Casey Life Skills description details block enlarged to allow paragraphs.
  • Staff training obtained can be tracked in the Provider information section to include Casey Life Skills, Trauma Informed Training and Sexual Harassment Training.
  • Agencies can enter grant number information and anticipated number of participants.
  • Progress Page and Overview Page updates:
    • Added note to NOCTI section that it became optional as of July 1, 2020
    • Added Casey Life Skills tracking for customers
    • Added education outcomes
      • considered a "Senior"
      • Attainment of HS Diplomea or GED
      • Promoted a grade level
      • re=enrolled into HS
      • Enrolled in GED classes
      • Enrolled in Higher Ed or Technical School
      • None of the above.
    • Added life skills outcomes
      • demonstrating improved anger management and/or conflict resolution skills
      • demonstrating increased life skills
  • Student stipend / incentive participation is now tracking on the Worksites tab on a customer profile. number of days in subsidized and stipend classes will be combined to track total number of days not to exceed amount allowed for specific grant enrollment.

October 14, 2020
  • Added prepopulated steps for new participants who have not had a career plan. List of steps added to partner page for reference so steps may be added to customers added prior to October 14. 2020.
October 9, 2020
  • Added the ability to add services on the Grantee Details page for those that will be used by the grantee in their program.
  • Searchable services can be added or removed and filtered by category. 
  • Services are added to customer career plan from the reduced selections.
September 16, 2020
  • Adjusted tracking on dashboard to moved Youth in Red and Yellow Rows who have been "Closed" to gray rows for application, eligibility and not enrolled.
  • Added options for new IYIP training categories to enrollment section of youth eligibility.
  • Minor text changes to self-evaluation and worksite evaluation.
August 18, 2020
  • Changed references to CYEP to DHS Youth Programs / DHS Youth Partners
August 4, 2020
  • Added new service for Incentives and stipends.
July 17, 2020
  • Added updated worksite evaluation and self-evaluation to the customer profile on the Customer Service Center
  • Added self-evaluation to customer profile on My Dashboard.
  • Added comparison report for pre / post self evaluation and initial and final worksite evaluation
July 7, 2020


  • References to COVID Pilot removed.
  • Date function added to allow change in enrollment from CYEP to C-SYEP.
June 11, 2020


  • Customer Progress Page now has the option to select CYEP, COVID Pilot, or C-SYEP for program choice.
  • Dashboards have the option to select CYEP, COVID Pilot, or C-SYEP for program choice.
  • CYEP reports have the option to select CYEP, COVID Pilot, or C-SYEP for program choice.
June 3, 2020

Updated the worksite placement function:

  • Added subsidized wage start and end dates
  • Subsidized wages will cease to count days when a  customer end date is entered.
  • Customer will be removed from the dashboard rows that track down to 90 days of subsidized wage and placed in appropriate row.
May 18, 2020

Updated the worksite placement function:

  • Added Inactive dates input field for when a customer becomes inactive and returns. 
  • Subsidized wages will cease to count days when a  customer is entered as inactive.
  • Status history will record when a customer enters or leaves inactive status. 
May 1, 2020

Updated the worksite placement function:

  • Redirect adding customer from the worksite placement pages to a new step 

April 21, 2020

  • Updated the customer progress page:

  1. Social Security number is no longer required to mark a youth as non-eligible
  2. Additional Enrollment Status options were added:
    • Not Eligiblie, 
    • Not Enrolled - Declined to Participate, 
    • Not Enrolled - Unable to Contact
  3. Discharge / Case Closure was updated to remove the date requirements, and offer a number of new reasons for closing the case to include: 
    • Youth Decided Not to Participate
    • Enlisted in the Military
    • Attending Secondary (High School)
    • Attending Post-Secondary School/ College
    • Reserved Forces Call to Active Duty
    • Personal - (Treatment Center, etc.)
    • Deceased
    • Incarcerated – DJJ or DOC
    • Youth Moved
    • Employed – No Longer Needs Services
    • Unable to Locate Youth
    • Entered Registered Apprenticeship Program
  4. Follow-up will be required for the 270 days, but the youth does not have to retain a "Open" status.

January 2, 2020
  • Updated the Services Report:
    • To allow new steps/services to be added to the career plan through the report.
    • Changed “Due Date” text to “Planned Due Date”.
    • Require Planned Due Date and allow the Planned due date to be updated for IWDS services. Planned due date is not required for IWDS, but should be included if you are making a plan.
    • To include the instruction section and goal fields in the  export/import.
    • Add a filter for open (enrolled)/closed (exited the program) customers.
October 9, 2019
  • Released the Risk Report. The Risk Report provides a break down of how many customers identified each risk factor on their CYEP intake form/application.
October 7, 2019
  • Updated Services Report to allow staff to update services for multiple customers at one time using an online form or upload.
  • Updated Worksite Placement to allow staff to delete duplicate employers and worksites as long as the site does not have placements or related payroll upload.
  • Updated Reports to include a filter to view a list of available reports by category or program.
September 20,  2019
  • Updated progress page case closure dropdown menu text from "select" to "Not Closed". If accidentally close a case, you can un-close the case by selecting "Not Closed".
September 16, 2019
  • Added close out status column to the customer list page.  Added a filter to default showing only open cases, but the user has the option to see all customers or closed only customers as well.
  • Updated login in screen layout.
  • Updated the progress page checkbox for "Did you hear about this through your local FCRC?" since the checkbox means the customer selected it on the application.
  • Updated the progress page eligibility section to require males 18+ to be registered with Selective Service in order to eligible.
  • Updated the progress page info bubbles to match the instructions.
  • Release the updated PPR and demographic report for grantees to review their number to see if the report is working properly.

August 7, 2019
  • Updated Customer List Export:
    • Moved last case note date field to the column before the case note.
    • Added Management Report button.
August 5, 2019
  • Updated password reset.  When a partner updates the customers password, it creates a temporary password.  When the customer logs in, the screen they view has been simplified to  clearly show the two options for updating their password.
August 2, 2019
  • Added an export to the customer list.
  • Updated the Career Plan partner view for adding services/steps. This impacts career plans across all programs.

July 30, 2019

  • updated where customers track who have never had a job and case is closed.

July 29, 2019

  • Updated where customers track if they never completed their application and if eligibility was not verified.

July 12, 2019

  • Updated Progress Page Verify Eligibility section, included info bubble in the performance area, and updated the instructions area.
  • Updated profile so the response to the application gender question populates pronouns in the profile.

July 1, 2019

  • Updated customer application.
  • Added Overview Page.

June 22, 2019

  • Added three videos to How-To list:
    • Adding a worksite and customer for employment.
    • Adding subsidized payroll.
    • CYEP customer process start to finish.

April 25, 2019

  • Reordered columns on Full List of Resources on CYEP Partner page
  • Added Technical Assistance dates to the main page.
  • Updated a workplace training video.

April 19, 2019

  • Updated CYEP Partner page to new view consistent with other IWN partner pages.
  • Added Partner Guidance page with articles about CYEP practices.
  • Moved FAQ to Full List of Resources page.

September 12, 2018

  • Updated the CYEP dashboard:
    • Fixed the application start rows so they populate correctly.
    • Moved the Partner contact not identified row.
    • Moved the In School and Out of School Youth under the Enrollment Status:  Enrolled row to show those rows only included enrolled customers.
  • Updated ISTEP so that it is called Career Plan.
  • Updated the customer view of the Illinois workNet Career Plan so it includes Illinois workNet articles about finding jobs.

August 29, 2018

  • Updated the CYEP Periodic Performance Report (PDF) to include more info bubble and next step information.  Also a cumulative post program column was added to the report.

August 8, 2018

  • Updated/enhanced the worksite placement employer search.
  • Update worksite placement module so that you can view additional employer and worksite contact information such as their email.
  • Fixed customer list export to include employer information.
  • Added Update log to the customer's ISTEP.
  • Fixed bug so that customer can access their ISTEP from their My Dashboard.
  • Updated My Dashboard so the customer will have direct access to their ISTEP.

June 20, 2018

  • Updated the Progress page to include a section for case closure and updates to the performance measures section.
  • Updated the Periodic Performance Report (PPR) to include the ISTEP areas and on/off track indicators.

May 16, 2018

  • Released Individualized, Services, Training and Employment Plan.

April 11, 2018

  • Released Periodic Performance Report.

April 4, 2018

  • Removed the requirement for including an end date in the worksite evaluation.

March 29, 2018 

  • Added contact date to case note entry.
  • Released updated worksite placement dashboard.

March 23, 2018

  • Updated Worksite Placement and Payroll Upload 

March 9, 2018

  • Updated worksite placements – made enhancements to the process for adding employers and worksites.  Added ability to identify subsidized and unsubsidized wages for a worksite placement.
  • Update Assessment export to include more assessment information.

February 8, 2018

  • Released the Intake Dashboard.  Intake Dashboard Instructions (PDF)

February 5, 2018

  • Assessment Tool Update:  Fix tools so that it automatically shows all of customers a partner can access.  A future enhancement is to add a filter to display a subset of customers based on Customer Support Center group.

January 23, 2018

  • Assessment Tool Update: 
    • Updated Grade Level Equivalent Scores drop down menu to ranges rather than specific levels.
    • Fix ability to add Other Assessment Name

January 18, 2018

  • Updated the progress page:
    • Included logic to the verify eligibility section to ensure the proper data is collected
    • Include complete/not complete icons in the performance measure section
    • Added case notes to the progress page.  Case notes can be sent to contacts.
  • Updated Application: 
    • Fixed spelling error
    • Changed the "attained" to "received" in the Highest Level of Education dropdown list

December 22, 2017

  • Released CYEP initial progress page.  Additional features will be added as the remaining tools are developed.
November 22, 2017
  • Released CYEP partner tools and application.

November 21, 2017

  • Updated partner guide to include the following pages:  Full List of Resources/Instructions, Training Materials & Videos, Frequently Asked Questions, and Updates.

November 15, 2017

  • Uploaded the archived CYEP Partner Tool and Initial TA Webinar.

Known Issues
  • None at this time