Workforce Hubs Full List of Resources

Chapter 1: Introduction

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs

Procedures Manual Chapter 1 (PDF)

Chapter 2: Equity and Program Culture

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs

Procedures Manual Chapter 2 (P​DF)
  • Sample Checklist for Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying (Word)
  • Sample Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying Complaint Form (Word)
  • Sample Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying Complaint Policy (Word)

Chapter 3: Partnerships

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
Procedures Manual Chapter 3 (PDF)
  • CEJA MOU Template (Word)

Chapter 4: Outreach

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
  • Business/Employer Outreach
  • Individual Outreach
  • Business Engagement Training
  • Business and Engagement Tool (PDF)

Procedures Manual Chapter 4 (P​DF​)

  • CEJA Program Design Templates (Word)
  • CEJA Flyer 1 - English (PDF) Spanish (PDF)
  • CEJA Flyer 2 - English (PDF) Spanish (PDF)
  • CEJA Logo - English (PDF) Spanish (PDF)
  • CEJA Poster - English (PDF) Spanish (PDF)
  • CEJA Facebook Post 1 - English (PNG) Spanish (PNG)
  • CEJA Facebook Post 2 - English (PNG)
  • CEJA Instagram Post 1 - English (PNG) Spanish (PNG)
  • CEJA Instagram Post 2 - English (PNG) Spanish (PNG)
  • CEJA Marketing Co-Branding Guide (Word)
  • CEJA Open House Agenda (Word)
  • Sample Marketing Plan (Word)
  • Workforce Hubs Info Sheet - English (PDF) Spanish (PDF)
  • Workforce Hubs Flyer - English (PDF) Spanish (PDF)

Chapter 5: Application

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
  • Eligibility and Intake
  • Career Planning
  • ​​Adding Customers to Climate Works Group (PDF)
  • Completing Applications (PDF
  • Completing Intake (PDF)
  • Referrals (P​DF)
  • Service Needs Assessment (PDF)
  • Creating a Career Plan Overview (PDF)
  • Customer Progress Tab (PDF)
  • Creating a Career Plan Overview (PDF)​
  • Customer Transfers (PDF​)

Procedures Manu​al Chapter 5 (PD​​F)

  • Workforce Hubs Acceptance and Commitment Letter (Word)
  • Denial Letter + Referral (Word)
  • Stipend Procedure (Word)
  • Prescreening and Application Questions (Word)

Chapter 6: Barrier Reduction Services

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
Support/Barrier Reduction Services
  • ​​​​​​Creating a Career Plan Overview (PDF)
  • Climate Works Dashboard (PDF)
  • Services Cost Report (PDF)

Procedures Manual Chapter 6 (PDF​)

  • CEJA Program Attendance Roster (Word)
  • CEJA ADA Accessibility Checklist (Word)
  • Resources to Meet Your Basic Needs (PDF​)

Chapter 7: Training

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
  • Career Services
  • Sector-Based Training

Procedures Manual Chapter 7 (PDF​)

  • Sample Instructional Plan (Word)
  • Sample Make-Up Sessions and Post-assessment Policy (Word)

Chapter 8: Completion and Transition

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
  • Completion and Follow-Up
  • ​​​Completion/Follow-Up (PDF)​​

Procedures Manual Chapter 8 (PDF)

  • Workforce Hubs Pre-Transition Plan (Word)
  • Exit Interview Questionnaire (Word)
  • Dismissal Sample Letter (Word)
  • Participant Feedback Form (Word)

Chapter 9: Professional Development

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Sustainability

Procedures Manual Chapter 9 (PDF)

Chapter 10: Data Management

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
  • Getting Access to Illinois workNet
  • Getting Setup in Illinois workNet
  • Case Notes
  • File Upload
  • Credentials
  • Become a Partner and Requesting Access to Partner Tools  (PDF)
  • Grantee Details the Customer Support Center (PDF)
  • Add Training Programs (PDF)
  • Case Notes Tool (PDF)
  • Uploading Files (PDF)
Procedures Manual Chapter 10 (PDF)
  • Sample Internal Professional Development Plan (Word)

Chapter 11: Finances

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
Grant Agreements
Procedures Manual Chapter 11 (PDF)
  • Participant File Checklist (Word)​

Chapter 12: Monitor + Audit

Topic Reporting System Instructions Related Resources
Workforce Hubs
  • Quarterly Reports
  • Monitoring & Reporting
Procedures Manual Chapter 12 (PDF​)

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  • Right-clicking the name of the file
  • Selecting "Save Link As" (or "Download File As" in Safari)
  • Saving the PDF to the computer
  • Opening and completing the form in the Adobe application on your computer.